Hey guys. I've been back in the hell-state-that-I-love for 'bout a week. I'm sick as hell... prolly more from the cold medicine than the actual cold... but that's the fun part!
My social life has gone from a half-dead earthworm being poked halfheartedly with a small stick to a raging monster threatening to devour every other aspect of my life. Of course, I am not helping by inviting people over while say, I'm sick as hell.
Sooooo siiiiiiicccckkkkkk....
On the upside, the cold medicine really does only serve to make me happy and stoned. I spent two hours this morning writing stream-of-consciousness emails to everyone I knew in order to piss them off and waste their time while at work. I may actually make that a habit.
Where am I?
Hey guys. I've been back in the hell-state-that-I-love for 'bout a week. I'm sick as hell... prolly more from the cold medicine than the actual cold... but that's the fun part!
My social life has gone from a half-dead earthworm being poked halfheartedly with a small stick to a raging monster threatening to devour every other aspect of my life. Of course, I am not helping by inviting people over while say, I'm sick as hell.
Sooooo siiiiiiicccckkkkkk....

On the upside, the cold medicine really does only serve to make me happy and stoned. I spent two hours this morning writing stream-of-consciousness emails to everyone I knew in order to piss them off and waste their time while at work. I may actually make that a habit.

Where am I?
also i ahve pics of wild SG ATL madness in my folder