So. I'm back. Saw pretty much my ENTIRE family and then some in one day-- and one day only-- which was nerve-twitchingly, eye-squintily fun. Hooray for being overage! I got a lot of Bostonian Irish stoicism criticism and a lot of pretty leaves. So no coming out with my alternative lifestyle this trip. But it was worth it. I do love them.
Although my dad sucks for giving me a 10-hour layover in VA. And I suck for not bothering IndustrialPet for bondage-lovin' while I was there.
On the up side, the family gave me the go-ahead signal for transferring out west. Now I just have to decide if I REALLY want to and if I do, where? There's a really good school for me in a really bad location-- Art Academy in San Francisco-- and two "meh" schools in really good locations-- Cornish in Seattle and Pacific NW College of the Arts in Portland. (based on my preferences) Ugh. Can't BELIEVE I'm one of those never-settle-down perpetual not-quite-screw-up college kids.
Well, I find it near-impossible to make a journal entry without posting a picture, and as I feel I've been pimping my body a lot recently, I'll take a break and pimp my artwork.
Simple portrait, but one of my faves. Acrylic on Bristol. Proves I damn well CAN work realistically-- sometimes.
In other news, the Boy has acquired a stalker from New College, so I've been hanging out around his place of work a lot recently, looking fabulous. If it gets any worse, I'm going to stick a great big flag in his pants that says PROPERTY OF PIXIE. So if any NC girls are reading this, if you see me glaring at you in a bookstore, move along quietly and I won't have to hit you with my shoe.
Also, as if I haven't given you enough comment material and rambled long enough, I'm feeling a little flagging of confidence on my end. Don't want to get rejected again and am wondering if I'm a good enough model to get accepted.
I know it's silly of me and totally pointless and annoying in any case, but nobody ever accused the human race of being rational. But if you just want to stop by and say "hey, good luck, I have faith in you" it'd be much appreciated.
Love you guys, and I'll be around to say hi individually!

On the up side, the family gave me the go-ahead signal for transferring out west. Now I just have to decide if I REALLY want to and if I do, where? There's a really good school for me in a really bad location-- Art Academy in San Francisco-- and two "meh" schools in really good locations-- Cornish in Seattle and Pacific NW College of the Arts in Portland. (based on my preferences) Ugh. Can't BELIEVE I'm one of those never-settle-down perpetual not-quite-screw-up college kids.
Well, I find it near-impossible to make a journal entry without posting a picture, and as I feel I've been pimping my body a lot recently, I'll take a break and pimp my artwork.

Simple portrait, but one of my faves. Acrylic on Bristol. Proves I damn well CAN work realistically-- sometimes.
In other news, the Boy has acquired a stalker from New College, so I've been hanging out around his place of work a lot recently, looking fabulous. If it gets any worse, I'm going to stick a great big flag in his pants that says PROPERTY OF PIXIE. So if any NC girls are reading this, if you see me glaring at you in a bookstore, move along quietly and I won't have to hit you with my shoe.

Also, as if I haven't given you enough comment material and rambled long enough, I'm feeling a little flagging of confidence on my end. Don't want to get rejected again and am wondering if I'm a good enough model to get accepted.

Love you guys, and I'll be around to say hi individually!

she's gonna make her way
to California USA!
You know what? I was larking around with my camera the other day actually (I'm not sure why) and I took a load of new pics of me, but when I looked back at them I realised that there was actually something a little pathetic about a 25 year old man taking pics of himself, stripped to the waist, and wearing a beanie hat!
Those will never see the light of day for sure!
I like your new pics by the way, tres nice.