last night i had a great time at my [um sort of] boy friends birthday shin-dig. he was doing an open mic night at this super rad place so there was plenty of drinking and cool tunes. Of course everyone had plenty of drinks and good times. I wish i had pictures especially since my outfit was smoking hot (and it was nice to be told that several times throughout the evening)
and continuing with those good times this morning started with some fantastic intercourse
followed by tasty tasty pancakes. His mom and little sister came over and took us out for breakfast. His sister did this cute little dance and singed "i want pancakes and syrup!" She us so adorable
afterwards we went to the humane society and looked at all the animals. i wanted to take them all home with me! I think i might be going back to get a new cat. My boy is thinking about getting either a cat or dog. he has his eye on the sweetest Siberian husky. It would be amazing if he got him!
I've been really happy lately and I am super grateful for all the wonderful things in my life attributing to that
and continuing with those good times this morning started with some fantastic intercourse

followed by tasty tasty pancakes. His mom and little sister came over and took us out for breakfast. His sister did this cute little dance and singed "i want pancakes and syrup!" She us so adorable
afterwards we went to the humane society and looked at all the animals. i wanted to take them all home with me! I think i might be going back to get a new cat. My boy is thinking about getting either a cat or dog. he has his eye on the sweetest Siberian husky. It would be amazing if he got him!
I've been really happy lately and I am super grateful for all the wonderful things in my life attributing to that

can't beat intercourse and pancakes. 

Sounds like a fantastic perfect time haha
hope it continues for ya