oh hey going to Florida tomorrow afternoon! still gotta pack. pretty much just throwing clothes in a suitcase...yes its a very daunting process, ha. the only part that sucks a smidgen is that my ride to the airport is at 10am...and my flight leaves at 2:35pm....yayy i get to hang around an airport! (hopefully it won't be too bad, i have some sweet tunes to listen to)
so i will be in Florida for St Paddy's in the Orlando area
gonna be visiting my little brother at his school, and i will be staying in a frat house... Oh Joy. i don't think it will be too bad...his college is a flipping country club...such exquisite architecture =) I basically will be playing everything by ear. it's up to my brother to provide me with fun activities...for example: maybe some shopping, heard there was some type of art thing happening, and a block party somewhere....yeah pretty sure there won't be a lack of entertainment
i kinda want to see my brother in his element and how he's doing down in Florida. it's nice that we get along now, and for the most part don't beat each other up haha .... i already have a feeling that i'm gonna make fun of his "brothers"....uber preppy frat BROS tehehehe
and on Sunday afternoon/evening we'll be heading over to my cousin's house for dinner and family bonding. His wife is from the Philippines and cooks A LOT (really good cooking too)...plus she's pretty cool and her kids adore me. i haven't seen them since last summer so it will be a nice end to my little vacation.
ehhh but i gotta finish packing...will be up bright and early tomorrow...no big deal, i can sleep in the car and on the plane
see ya later Connecticut!
so i will be in Florida for St Paddy's in the Orlando area

i kinda want to see my brother in his element and how he's doing down in Florida. it's nice that we get along now, and for the most part don't beat each other up haha .... i already have a feeling that i'm gonna make fun of his "brothers"....uber preppy frat BROS tehehehe
and on Sunday afternoon/evening we'll be heading over to my cousin's house for dinner and family bonding. His wife is from the Philippines and cooks A LOT (really good cooking too)...plus she's pretty cool and her kids adore me. i haven't seen them since last summer so it will be a nice end to my little vacation.
ehhh but i gotta finish packing...will be up bright and early tomorrow...no big deal, i can sleep in the car and on the plane
see ya later Connecticut!

oh snap. i live like 90 minutes from orlando. just saying.
miss you doll!