You know what... while I'm lying here alone in my bed; I realized Valentines Day isn't too far away. A completely asinine holiday created by greeting card companies? Perhaps. But there is that whole lovey-dovey shit that goes along with it, and it just reminds me that there isn't anyone who gives a damn about me. Well at least no one to call me *gag* their "valentine" yeah I know how corny and pathetic, but still it would be nice if I had some sort of special someone that cared just a smidgen. Le sigh. (Of course I have friends who care about my well being and whatnot, but) I have a terrible fear that I will never be loved, will never be good enough, will always be alone. During these late hours it's the worst. When I am utterly alone, engulfed in darkness, reflecting on my loneliness. As much as I try to tell myself that I am happy, I cannot stop the physical pain I feel. I have instilled so much self loathing towards myself that I feel I will never be deserving of someones love and attention. Im sorry for being so negative, but I cant help but feel this way more often than I should. And it physically hurts, so much to the point where I cant breathe and will start to hyperventilate on occasion.what an embarrassment. Im not looking for sympathy I just need to vent somewhere and purge this negativity. I think I just need a good smack to snap me out of this self-deprecating bullshit. Honestly what the hell is wrong with me?
what is it with all the most attractive women feeling that they will never be loved? you have guys waiting for a shot to impress you and get to know you better in hopes that you might like them. I think you need to work on your perspective, because your odds of finding love are really incredible, I'd say.