Election day and Halloween Photos:
If you haven't gone to vote, you had better! I'm so tired of all the ignorant people at my work who have no idea that: A) Today is election day B) That you need to be registered in order to vote C) what a proposition is. This country is crawling with more morons more than a daycare is crawling with headlice...and let me tell you, I went to daycare, that shit is everywhere. I'm convinced that this country needs to shape up or it's going to face destruction by it's own stupidity.
So get out the vote people!
Also...Photos from Halloween....Yes, I went out with my parents....Odd, right?
(And yeah, I know everyone goes as a Pirate, but I'm cheap this year. I already had the outfit and the dollar store sells the hats for a buck.)

If you haven't gone to vote, you had better! I'm so tired of all the ignorant people at my work who have no idea that: A) Today is election day B) That you need to be registered in order to vote C) what a proposition is. This country is crawling with more morons more than a daycare is crawling with headlice...and let me tell you, I went to daycare, that shit is everywhere. I'm convinced that this country needs to shape up or it's going to face destruction by it's own stupidity.
So get out the vote people!
Also...Photos from Halloween....Yes, I went out with my parents....Odd, right?
(And yeah, I know everyone goes as a Pirate, but I'm cheap this year. I already had the outfit and the dollar store sells the hats for a buck.)

I'm in Ottawa and I'm really bored. I didn't expect the boredom so soon.
Everyone I know here is at school or work.
The fog is awesome though. And my sister's black cat looks nice sitting outside in it and the leaves.
I have realized that Ottawa is actually totally creepy looking most of the year except summer.
Death awareness, Zak says.
The just found some kid's body last night too. He had been missing for a month--he ran away from home because he parents took his Xbox away. It's sad.
You and my sister have a similar sense of style (expect for the pirate part).
I got some bad news last night. But I don't think I can talk about it. Boo.
OBAMA!! Yay!