I finally came back from my trip to Berlin! There is so much to say.... But you can see the photos
on my ]Myspaceor veiw the ones Eon Mckai played around with a bit (my photography sucked due to broken digital camera) at Pixie Berlin
The first night I got there was the one night I was to spend by myself in Berlin. The apartment the
Berlin Porn Film Festival gave us was in the Brandenburger Tor Hotel. Way too white, with way
too much Ikea. I went shopping at the Hit grocery store buying such things as pasta, sardines,
cheese...and of course Kinder Surprise Eggs. My first meal was bowtie whole wheat pasta with
mushrooms, olives, parmasian and tomatos pasta sauce.
I realized the importance of being bilingual when I was forced to watch Hogan Knows Best because
it was the only thing on TV in English.....yeah.
The rest of a trip is really sort of memory scattered....reminding me alot of that scene in Rules
of Attraction.
But the highlights are this:
A butterfly flew into the window of our apartment sending Octavio on a photo spree with
me and the butterfly.
I got to spend one night at the Zyankali Bar with Zak and Mandy where I finally tried real
European absinthe for the first time and drank a Zombie from a science beaker. And I met
Temper finally...her fashion design is amazing. (No hard feelings on the drunken bog bite.)
The food I ate there was over the top....as in too much. I had everything from Currywurst,
to steakhouse steak, to Indian, to Morrocan, to Food Box, to the Tiergarten breakfast. One night
Eon and I were insatiable and couldn't stop eating. We wanted to try this one giant baked potato
thing at this middle eastern shop (where she took a whole potato, broke it open, put another half
of a potato, added tons of butter, tons of cheese, and then whatever strange pasta sides you
wanted inside it), but it was 10 euros....too much
Eon and I were interveiwed by Italian Journalists at some point and later that night I went partying
with them at a bar playing nothing but American 80's music.....awesome awesome night.
Eon and I grabbed English Breakfast one morning, when his tea arrived he poured some milk in it....then he noticed that there was a pack of lemon juice included. I said "I wouldn't do that, if I were you. It curdles milk"
He said "Why would they give them both to me then?" So he went against my warnings, poured in the juice,
then started stirring....withine seconds it had become on disgusting curddled mess. He took a photo and labeled it "I didn't listen to pixie".
There was one night I woke up and Winkytinky was watching soft core porn at 4 in the morning.
Watching One Eight Seven and Platoon in nothing bust German with Winkytinky while we talked
of how good sardines and spam is. We got Ice Cream that was so good it made me sick. One night
he made me Top Ramen pan fried with an egg crackedon top.....good shit. That was where I
learned that they don't refrigerate their eggs in the markets and that they are so much better
because they aren't treated/come straight from a farm.
We went to an enormous flea market, drank mulled wine and got a verbal tour from one of our friends
of the history of Berlin. Seeing the buildings with bullet holes in them from WW2 was pretty
I met my gay twin, Bryin Dall, who was there Djing for the Festival. We went out for coffee,
then went back to his place and ate bre cheese and pasta. Afterwards we went to a lecture on
pain in Pornography....where we fell asleep because the videos they showed were way too long.
I got to spend my last evening there with Threat! who took photos of me illegally lounging
of the giant statues of a fountain and risking my life climbing on the slippery copper/rain
soaked staute of a high staircase of the Berlin Opera House.
I spent one night in London where I saw my good friend Adam. His dad took us to dinner at an
incredible asia fusion restaurant and then to see the Umbilical Brothers (you should look them up).
It snowed!!! They said on the news that it was the ealiest it had snowed in London since 1934.
Oh, and Adam gave me the sweetest little homemade monster pillow which I slept with the whole
time on my plane ride back.
I don't know anymore right now.....And there is so much more to say. But even if you actually read
But if not....Just look at the fucking photos.
Ps. Today I carved a pumpkin...it looks like this.

on my ]Myspaceor veiw the ones Eon Mckai played around with a bit (my photography sucked due to broken digital camera) at Pixie Berlin
The first night I got there was the one night I was to spend by myself in Berlin. The apartment the
Berlin Porn Film Festival gave us was in the Brandenburger Tor Hotel. Way too white, with way
too much Ikea. I went shopping at the Hit grocery store buying such things as pasta, sardines,
cheese...and of course Kinder Surprise Eggs. My first meal was bowtie whole wheat pasta with
mushrooms, olives, parmasian and tomatos pasta sauce.
I realized the importance of being bilingual when I was forced to watch Hogan Knows Best because
it was the only thing on TV in English.....yeah.
The rest of a trip is really sort of memory scattered....reminding me alot of that scene in Rules
of Attraction.
But the highlights are this:
A butterfly flew into the window of our apartment sending Octavio on a photo spree with
me and the butterfly.
I got to spend one night at the Zyankali Bar with Zak and Mandy where I finally tried real
European absinthe for the first time and drank a Zombie from a science beaker. And I met
Temper finally...her fashion design is amazing. (No hard feelings on the drunken bog bite.)
The food I ate there was over the top....as in too much. I had everything from Currywurst,
to steakhouse steak, to Indian, to Morrocan, to Food Box, to the Tiergarten breakfast. One night
Eon and I were insatiable and couldn't stop eating. We wanted to try this one giant baked potato
thing at this middle eastern shop (where she took a whole potato, broke it open, put another half
of a potato, added tons of butter, tons of cheese, and then whatever strange pasta sides you
wanted inside it), but it was 10 euros....too much
Eon and I were interveiwed by Italian Journalists at some point and later that night I went partying
with them at a bar playing nothing but American 80's music.....awesome awesome night.
Eon and I grabbed English Breakfast one morning, when his tea arrived he poured some milk in it....then he noticed that there was a pack of lemon juice included. I said "I wouldn't do that, if I were you. It curdles milk"
He said "Why would they give them both to me then?" So he went against my warnings, poured in the juice,
then started stirring....withine seconds it had become on disgusting curddled mess. He took a photo and labeled it "I didn't listen to pixie".
There was one night I woke up and Winkytinky was watching soft core porn at 4 in the morning.
Watching One Eight Seven and Platoon in nothing bust German with Winkytinky while we talked
of how good sardines and spam is. We got Ice Cream that was so good it made me sick. One night
he made me Top Ramen pan fried with an egg crackedon top.....good shit. That was where I
learned that they don't refrigerate their eggs in the markets and that they are so much better
because they aren't treated/come straight from a farm.
We went to an enormous flea market, drank mulled wine and got a verbal tour from one of our friends
of the history of Berlin. Seeing the buildings with bullet holes in them from WW2 was pretty
I met my gay twin, Bryin Dall, who was there Djing for the Festival. We went out for coffee,
then went back to his place and ate bre cheese and pasta. Afterwards we went to a lecture on
pain in Pornography....where we fell asleep because the videos they showed were way too long.
I got to spend my last evening there with Threat! who took photos of me illegally lounging
of the giant statues of a fountain and risking my life climbing on the slippery copper/rain
soaked staute of a high staircase of the Berlin Opera House.
I spent one night in London where I saw my good friend Adam. His dad took us to dinner at an
incredible asia fusion restaurant and then to see the Umbilical Brothers (you should look them up).
It snowed!!! They said on the news that it was the ealiest it had snowed in London since 1934.
Oh, and Adam gave me the sweetest little homemade monster pillow which I slept with the whole
time on my plane ride back.
I don't know anymore right now.....And there is so much more to say. But even if you actually read
But if not....Just look at the fucking photos.
Ps. Today I carved a pumpkin...it looks like this.

I've never been to Berlin. I did do a 4 day driving tour with a friend through what used to be called West Germany...I'd like to do it on a motorcycle someday...
i'll remember to not put lemon in my tea. and hooray for 80's music!