Me Vs. The Bike Messenger.
guess who lost.
Yesterday as I was leaving the St. Alps Tea House and on my way to the bank I was hit full force by a bike.
I was nearly to the sidewalk when I was blind sided by a bike messenger making an illegal turn. The wheel hit my right shin and the pedal hit my left ankle. I landed hard on my right hit and shoulder.
He landed on his feet....surprisingly. My glasses had flown a few feet from me. While I crawled to grad them I heard him yell, "Lady, you have to watch where you're going!". He then jumped back onto his bike and began to ride odff without checking to see if I was even ok. Two Greenpeace volunteers where watching at the time and proceeded to run after him. They saw the whole thing and were infuriated that he was taking off because he was in the wrong. Two guys helped my up and walked with me to make sure I was ok.
It left me with a partially dislocated shoulder which was popped into place, a bruised pelvic bone, a swollen and bruised shin and several large pedal imprints on my ankle. An hour after this happened I was forced to work a closing shift. One really nasty moment of the evening was when I dislocated my shoulder again when opening a new wine bottle.A customer locked it back into place for me.
I'm not completely black and blue yet so I don't have photos of everything... but these are the photos of the pedal mark. They're deeper than the picture allows to show.
This whole experience reminded me of just how fragile our bodies are and how unpredictable life is. Lately I've been forced to acknowledge my own mortality. Frankly, it scares the shit out of me.
I travel to London as well tomorrow. It's unfortunate that I'm on anti-biotics and won't be allowed to drink for another 6 days. I'll have one day to go pubbing.

guess who lost.
Yesterday as I was leaving the St. Alps Tea House and on my way to the bank I was hit full force by a bike.
I was nearly to the sidewalk when I was blind sided by a bike messenger making an illegal turn. The wheel hit my right shin and the pedal hit my left ankle. I landed hard on my right hit and shoulder.
He landed on his feet....surprisingly. My glasses had flown a few feet from me. While I crawled to grad them I heard him yell, "Lady, you have to watch where you're going!". He then jumped back onto his bike and began to ride odff without checking to see if I was even ok. Two Greenpeace volunteers where watching at the time and proceeded to run after him. They saw the whole thing and were infuriated that he was taking off because he was in the wrong. Two guys helped my up and walked with me to make sure I was ok.
It left me with a partially dislocated shoulder which was popped into place, a bruised pelvic bone, a swollen and bruised shin and several large pedal imprints on my ankle. An hour after this happened I was forced to work a closing shift. One really nasty moment of the evening was when I dislocated my shoulder again when opening a new wine bottle.A customer locked it back into place for me.
I'm not completely black and blue yet so I don't have photos of everything... but these are the photos of the pedal mark. They're deeper than the picture allows to show.
This whole experience reminded me of just how fragile our bodies are and how unpredictable life is. Lately I've been forced to acknowledge my own mortality. Frankly, it scares the shit out of me.

I travel to London as well tomorrow. It's unfortunate that I'm on anti-biotics and won't be allowed to drink for another 6 days. I'll have one day to go pubbing.
ouch! stay safe!
that looks painful. thanks for the life is utterly ridiculous right now.