12 more days till I depart for london. I officially have my passport with a bad photo and my tickets. I'm especially psyched out of my mind since this will be my first time out of the country. Thank God.
Hells Yeah! I saw the Transformers movie....and let me just say, that sitting in the second row from the screen you can really get the awesomeness of Optimus Prime in all his beautiful robot glory. Also I'd like to add that Bumblebee is way cooler than originally, because Volkswagon bugs while they are still cute are still not wicked enough to be an Autobot.The other day someone at work mentioned that they didn't want to see it because they felt it was too violent...please, there is nothing more perfect than a movie with the sole premise of robots fighting other robots.
And Ouch.... Today I was cleaning an absinthe glass and encountered a freak occurrence . While I had my hand inside it with the sponge....it broke. My hand was then sliced. The incision itself isn't that long, but it did cut as deep as a the fatty tissue. I've never been cut that bad before. It took me a good 40 minutes to stop the bleeding, and I called my boy when I started to cry from the endorphin rush. That's what I get for doing house work on my day off.
Hells Yeah! I saw the Transformers movie....and let me just say, that sitting in the second row from the screen you can really get the awesomeness of Optimus Prime in all his beautiful robot glory. Also I'd like to add that Bumblebee is way cooler than originally, because Volkswagon bugs while they are still cute are still not wicked enough to be an Autobot.The other day someone at work mentioned that they didn't want to see it because they felt it was too violent...please, there is nothing more perfect than a movie with the sole premise of robots fighting other robots.
And Ouch.... Today I was cleaning an absinthe glass and encountered a freak occurrence . While I had my hand inside it with the sponge....it broke. My hand was then sliced. The incision itself isn't that long, but it did cut as deep as a the fatty tissue. I've never been cut that bad before. It took me a good 40 minutes to stop the bleeding, and I called my boy when I started to cry from the endorphin rush. That's what I get for doing house work on my day off.
ouch, that really sucks about the cut. i hope you are feeling ok now. i guess the lesson is that you should be drinking the absinthe instead of cleaning the glasses
have a great time over in london