So, a week ago we had a terrible wind storm. everyone's power went out, and I mean EVERYONE. Didn't get ours back until 36 hours later and then the internet wouldn't work until today. Ugh.
So, I get to stay at the store I am at now and not go to the new one. YAY! My gm decided to keep me and send the current... Read More
Cheap Trick/Heart/Journey concert was last night. OMG Heart rocked my ass off! Those ladies are hard core!
cPOP and I found out that the Coheed and Cambria Neverender tour is gonna be in chicago on my fucking birthday and OMG I WANNA GOOOOOO! but it is looking like with tickets, gas, and hotel for the 4-5 days it will be way more than we can... Read More
I called off work today. Actually. I called off from manager training. BECAUSE IT WASN'T TRAINING! They used me all day yesterday, from 5 to 3, as their pricing bitch. Thats the same shit I have done at my home store. How the hell is that training?! Plus I felt like shit. Sore all over and sneezing and coughing. So i said fuck it. I... Read More
cPOP is at GenCon. I'm alllllll alone until Sunday night. I slept on the couch last night.
I'm already tired of working. lol Everyone there is freaking out because there might be an internal audit this week or next. I donno what to do about it, I'm new. lol
I'm not really a fan of closing, the day shifts go by faster.
at the moment im off from work and im going nuts wanting to start again, and im sure ill be ready for vacation soon after work starts up again on the 2nd.. im also starting a new job so im not exactly fully thrilled about it. as they say, the grass is always greener...
I go in tomorrow to fill out paper work and watch videos and I get my schedule. I need to figure out if I have enough to buy some khakis. Hopefully I can scrounge together 30 bucks to buy one pair.
I'm so glad I'm going to have money coming in again.