Alright bitches. Happy new year. Don't do anything I wouldn't tonight.
Got a new tv. 42' Panasonic 1080p plasma tv. Its fuckin BITCHIN! Watched The Dark Knight blu ray on our new PS3 and it was CRISP! I'm hooked.
cpop's head gasket cracked last week or somethin. It sucks. We're ridin' dirty in his mom's minivan til his car is fuxed.
Work is nutty. I've got three days off. Yesterday, today and tomorrow. Not gonna wanna go back.
How was xmas? We got the 80s edition of trival pursuit and stayed up till 2am playing it xmas eve.
We got cpop's mom an outside antenna cuz she doesn't have cable and her converter box doesn't have shit for signal. We read the directions and at the bottom it says "Warning: Do not install antenna if drunk, pregnant, or both. Do not throw antenna at spouse." That's right, amusing, no? That's my xmas story. What's yours?

Got a new tv. 42' Panasonic 1080p plasma tv. Its fuckin BITCHIN! Watched The Dark Knight blu ray on our new PS3 and it was CRISP! I'm hooked.
cpop's head gasket cracked last week or somethin. It sucks. We're ridin' dirty in his mom's minivan til his car is fuxed.
Work is nutty. I've got three days off. Yesterday, today and tomorrow. Not gonna wanna go back.
How was xmas? We got the 80s edition of trival pursuit and stayed up till 2am playing it xmas eve.
We got cpop's mom an outside antenna cuz she doesn't have cable and her converter box doesn't have shit for signal. We read the directions and at the bottom it says "Warning: Do not install antenna if drunk, pregnant, or both. Do not throw antenna at spouse." That's right, amusing, no? That's my xmas story. What's yours?
Damn you are so lucky, I would love to have one of those TVs, so let me ask you, what is the difference between a high definition TV and a plasma TV?
I hope his car gets fixed soon.
That is probable the best warning I have ever read.
Well I went to my mom and step dads house and got a Sonny surround sound system that came with a DVD player and got some clothing and polo black and then that night I went to my grandmother on my dads sides house and got some DVDs and then Christmas day I went to my dad and step moms house and got some money.