So, even on our honeymoon cPOP dragged me into comic book shops, two even!
I was ok with it tho, how can i deny him something that makes him happy?
We went to the Museum of sex while we were there too. That was interesting.
Saw a Real Doll in the proverbial flesh
And a bunch of sex machines
I think i want that chair....
Now we're back and it is back to the daily grind. I am done with school so I am trying to be a good housewife and clean, but I hate it so much! When I get a house and money I am so hiring a once a week maid!
I've been reading like crazy since school ended. I finished the first two Dexter books, they are so damned good! I am almost done with Middlesex now. That book is daunting but really good too. I need to find my library card. I don't wanna have to buy every book I wanna read. I hope I don't have any lingering late charges....
Applying for real jobs is hard work. Just finding where to send it is a mission.
17 days until The Dark Knight comes out! I hope I have some disposable income soon so I can get advance tickets. I donno how things got so tight all of a sudden. I need to sit down and make up a budget for us. Ah, married life, isn't it grand? lol
I've been such a bum since we got back. Yesterday i didn't leave the house. Today i left only to take out the garbage.

I was ok with it tho, how can i deny him something that makes him happy?
We went to the Museum of sex while we were there too. That was interesting.

Saw a Real Doll in the proverbial flesh

And a bunch of sex machines

I think i want that chair....

Now we're back and it is back to the daily grind. I am done with school so I am trying to be a good housewife and clean, but I hate it so much! When I get a house and money I am so hiring a once a week maid!
I've been reading like crazy since school ended. I finished the first two Dexter books, they are so damned good! I am almost done with Middlesex now. That book is daunting but really good too. I need to find my library card. I don't wanna have to buy every book I wanna read. I hope I don't have any lingering late charges....
Applying for real jobs is hard work. Just finding where to send it is a mission.
17 days until The Dark Knight comes out! I hope I have some disposable income soon so I can get advance tickets. I donno how things got so tight all of a sudden. I need to sit down and make up a budget for us. Ah, married life, isn't it grand? lol
I've been such a bum since we got back. Yesterday i didn't leave the house. Today i left only to take out the garbage.
It was nice of you to let him go in there, being happy is all that matter in life.
I would love to go there, that would be so interesting.
I would so fuck that real doll LOL hahahahaha.
Some of those sex machines look scary.
A once a week maid would be so bad ass.
I know how you feel, I can never even find real job places to send stuff into, I want a real job, I hate my factory job.
I need to make a budget for me, but when I move into my new house it is going t o be so much better.