As I am typing I'm meant to be swatting for exam tomorrow. Its too hot and sticky. It's not going in. Buggeration!
Ah well, at least I ind of knew what my tutor was on about in class last night so sure it'll start to make sense soon.
Ooh, good news, I aced my presentation. Just waiting for marks from last essay and project and then exam and fingers crossed I've passed. Don't really fancy doing psychology module again.
I had a fight with my housemate last night.

It wasn't good. I'm a bit crap when I get offended. I tend to dig my heels in and become a little irrational. I know she was just looking out for me but I reacted badly. Then we had another fall out later. Tension from the first didn't help I think. This time I felt in the right. I apologised today for my iritability and we chatted about freaked out I am by this moving lark and I think she gets it now. Hope so anyway, she's such a good mate.
Well, this week I have my exam tomorrow.

But then my FB is coming to see me in the afternoon.

Hood, I know he's a user but he's just really good.
And then the boy is taking me out for a bite to eat apprently on Friday and then coming out with my housemate and I on Saturday to our fave club in the whole wide world. Weirdness! He's been so distant since a week Saturday and now he's chatting away again like nothings ever been a problem.

Bugger it, I'm leaving in just over two months time. What do I care?! I'm just gonna have a laugh and not get too involved with anyone. Like today I turned down a bit of fun with an ex. He suggested it and I thought, yeah why not?! then housemate reminded me of how devastated I was when it went wrong. Thus we argued, but she was right. Sooooo not a good idea from the emotional point of view so I was good and said I'm flattered but no, I'm too old for setting myself up for another head f*ck like last time. So there we go.
Right, swatting! Before I go, let me leave you a picture of this beautiful man.
Perdy you may have your Mr Jackman but this man makes me go

in this film.
I'm gradually adding some of my favourite tapes to my c.d collection, i need to get Among the Living by Anthrax and some early Slayer next i think. I wish i'd bought all this stuff on vinyl,in the past cause my tapes are just degrading even with out the use
Have a great weekend honey and take it easy
I said no to Aspen
The cute boy from the bar has a girlfriend,kak. But I think his friend will tell him now what I think about him..
Have you been surfing before?