Oh dear god why do I do it? Vodka is evil. It makes me silly and then makes me ill. But damn I had a good night!

The rough'o'meter for this morning.
I think it's bad. I've been told it's better than some people look.

I particularly think it's bad as this is what I went out looking like

My best mate and I went to our local for a couple. I didn't plan to be out too late and din't plan to drink too much due to the rather nasty weeing from arse syndrome I've had for a couple of days. Alas, best laid plans and all that...
We drank alot, we played darts (I love playing darts!) and spoke a load of bollocks to the regulars we know. She knows more of them as she works there a couple nights a week. I'm a bit of an enigma at our local. Most people know my face but a fair few are a little scared of talking to me. Bless 'em!
Well, we staggered out about 1 o'clock this morning and then sat outside the pub chatting to one of her mates. Eventually wending our way home about half an hour later me thinks.
Then I went online. Oh dear. My typing when I'm wankered is damn good though!!!!

Thank you Huw for entertaining me and putting up with my drunken twaffle! Although I'm sure you'll say you don't need thanking. Think you got a good deal out of it!

Today's glorious weather will most likely pass me by as I still have a college project to finish and I'm almost done on my presentation. Thank god for that. I just need to pass my exam on Wednesday now and the world should be my oyster once again. Well, until I move and start the next lot of courses anyway!

Right now I am dreaming of the bacon sandwiches I have planned for later.

Updated to say the bacon sandwiches were heaven on earth, nothing like a couple slices of avocado to set it off a treat.

Did my presentation tonight and I rock!! Oh yes! I'm sucha geek that apparently my presentation will have helped the class with revision and given them a few additonal case studies to take forward to the exam.

Only thing is that only four of us silly bastards turned up! Ah well, my project will bring my mark down though. It was uber shit!!!!!

Course was good but being in land there was just heat and no breeze,so i'm glad i'm back on the coast,although that seems to have buggered off from here to