I am home, work sent me here. They don't want to be weeing from their bums! Ha ha ha!!! Too much info I know but it's funny.
So I sit here eating stuff I really shouldn't but as I'm near the friendly and familiar which is my own toilet I don't care.
I apologise for extreme emoness last night. I was super, super down. I had a good cry, shouted at myself, deleted all stored text messages from the boy and made a conscious decision to extract myself from his life. Then he called me.

Fingers crossed every bastard and his Mum have left the tattoo studio alone today so I can get some work done. Shall text the man in a mo to find out.
My bowels seem to have settled since I've been home. Maybe after the healthy eating I've done recently a good shot of crap food was all I needed.
Hmm, we shall see how the belly is after a couple more hours.
Be good ya'll. Give me a good slap next time I turn all emo! It's the first time since I've been on here that I've written such drivel and I don't want it happening again!!

Bugger, my tattooists not answering me. Guessing it's another mad one for him today. Bollocks, may have to make do woth hacking and colouring my hair instead.

he is giving you way to much shit
and you dont need/deserve it
hope the tummy bug is wearing off
i think the worst about the runs is your uhm ring stings so much from wiping it so much
it's fine to be emo sometimes! do what you gotta do. there will always be people to listen to you. glad you got to talk to the boy, it puts things into perspective sometimes.