My belly aches and I have diarrhoea. I know, too much info. I used to work in care, us care workers can talk about shit whilst eating chilli and not even blink.
I'm tired and stressed, insomnia is killing me. And I'm moaning waaaay too much. Was supposed to hack my hair and colour it tonight but I've not managed it and it's too fucking late now.
The boys being distant and weird and I don't know how I feel about that.
And evryone at work kept referring to me as the cleaner today with my hair up in a cloth. It was expected and slightly amusing the first time. After five hours I was losing my sense of humour.
Work currently is evil. I feel really disheartened at what we're being asked to do. There's no money and it feels like I'm a financial gatekeeper as oppose to someone who supports people to have packages of care which actually meet their needs.
Blah, I need sleep.
Did spend some time with the most beautiful baby today. Work colleague had a little girl last week while I was away and she is just the most beautiful thing. Super broody tonight, which may explain part of my downer.
Also couldn't get any ink doen tonight as every fucker and his mum was in the shop getting work done. I need some ink. It always helps me calm and focus again.
I want to go to Brighton. I'm so gonna miss Brighton when I move. I don't get there often enough. Supposed to be going with the boy but only he knows what's going on in his head. I get the distinct feeling he's been sticking his winky in other girls since Saturday though. Don't ask me why I think that, just a feeling.
I'll probably delete this tomorrow.
Sorry for having an emo moment.

The insomnia sucks don't it? that 4am-i wanna-break-my-own-arms sensation!
Just concentrate on the things that make you feel good, don't accept responsibility for the things you can't control, and life gets much easier!
ink.ink.ink. there really is something in getting new ink that gets you focussed again. I always feel so full of energy after getting tattooed or pierced, that I think everything is possible and I really get a new focus on things again.