It's now Tuesday night.
I planned to get up early on Monday morning to finish the project. Well make most of it up as I didn't have enough participants so far. I guess I switched off my alarm. I know I set it but only woke with my usual morning one.

No time to waffle rubbish in a report before time to hand in.
But being scared of me has it's benefits, she gave me an extension!!

So have been sloggin away at it since (well, besides writing this

and posting comments

Also have a presentation due Monday. I pray I remember how to work that damn powerpoint thing. I'm pretty good at waffling in an entertaining fashion to a crowd.

And then my final exam for Psychology is a week Wednesday. We were doing revision for it for three hours in class on Monday night. It's a bit worrying when even the girl who's done Psych A level before is muttering under her breath 'What the hell is she on about?!' It seems we may all be doomed as none of us actually understand much of what she's taught us. Well, I think I do reading the notes but then she opens her mouth and I turn into a gibbering wreck. Actually I think I turn into Homer Simpson.
Other stuff.
Got acknowledgement of an application received.

Fingers crossed it's this one I get. It's for a job with Leeds council but it's way more money than I get now, less work and far less stress. Fantastic!! Sounds a winner to me, even if it means fighting the traffic between York and Leeds on a daily basis. I may be able to wangle home working too if possible.
Other stuff.
I think the boy may be full of shit. Well, actually I know he's full of shit but I think he may be giving me the brush off. He wants me to go to Brighton with him to see a couple of tattoo artists about an extremely large but

piece he's thinking of having done. I know he only wants me to go as even though he's got some decent work he holds me in high esteem regards my opinions on ink for some bizarre reason. Not because he wants me as a part of the process. And I spent the better part of a day emailing people and galleries to get him the bloody picture.

The tattoo visit is the only thing he's had an opinion on since Sunday morning. I sent him naked pictures this morning with the words to the Good Morning song and all he replied with was 'Morning x'. Hello?!

I sent photos of my nakedness!!! Show a little f*cking appreciation.
Boys confuse me. I may try girls instead. Or Boxing, always wanted to do boxing. Or just get down to this bastard work I'm desperately avoiding as it makes me feel like an idiot.
Be good boys and girls.
but you leaving soon so maby just tell him to piss off cause he is just giving you more greaf than enything eals
yeh sounds like its time to say cherio