Well, the wedding photo's went better and worse than expected. Took loads and loads of pics with a very decent camera a work colleague was kind enough to lend to me.

Other than that the weekend has been very good. Chilled day Saturday before meeting up with new boy and his mates at the 'Rock Club'. Was supposed to be going with a good friend but she text me at the time she was meant to be picking me up to say she wasn't feeling well. So off I went on my tod to meet up with a group of lads, only two of whom I'd met before. New fella being one of those of course. He's lovely. Scarey thing is I'm liking him more and more the more time I spend with him. He's just full of compliments, especially when drunk, bless him. He reckons he's falling for me, which is terrifying. I find those words terrifying as an ex once said those words often, then said I love you, then four days after those three words ended it by text message.

But back to niceness. We had a lovely evening, silly dancing and much alcohol was involved and his mates are wicked! All about my age which makes me a little more secure about his apparent maturity. One of them warned me to be good to him as he's 'a really sound bloke' and that I was not to break him. As I explained to him I am a straight up person, if there's a problem I'll say as much, if things are good I'll speak up then too so I think they trust me with him.

Went back to his house after and he's just so lovely and easy to cuddle up naked with.

In other things in the world of xBellex I am currently trying to get a psychology essay written but I have missed numerous classes and really don't have a clue what I'm doing. Luckily I'm pretty good at throwing stuff together in words that make it look like I know what I'm doing, so fingers crossed.
Still haven't found a new job to even apply for let alone interview for. It's scarey. Little part of me is wondering now whether I really want to move anymore. Especially if I can't get a decent job. I've worked hard to get to where I am now and it would suck to lose it all but I'm not sure I'll be happy staying. The boys sudden presence in my life has also confused me.

oooh god i hope he is not one of those hump and dump blokes

Hehe....I'm still a negative bastard deep down, honest!