Went on a date with the exceptionally lovely young man last night and he was the eternal gentleman all night. Opened the car door for me, opened the pub door for me, bought me dinner and drinks and it took a lot of twisting of his arm for him to allow me to buy a round. Amazing company, funny and bright and interesting and into all the stuff I'm into. It was very easy to forget that he's 21.

He's good company and damn is he sexy.

Remonds me a lot of the bloke from Prison Break in the sharp features, shaved head kind of way. And decent ink work too! What more could a girl ask for? I broke the news early that I'm off to York and he was super cool and had a good chat about it all and how I came to my decision and such. Sweetness!

Was a little worried he would turn into a knob over that, as some blokes I know would. Kind of a, 'Excellent, we can just knob each other until you go' or 'Why you out with me tonight then if you're f*cking off up north?!' response was what I was expecting but thankfully no such BS.
Right grumpy when he left my house at 06:15 this morning though!
Tonight he's just told me that some bastard keyed his car. I feel like shit about it as they got my car months ago but they seem to have left other people's cars alone.

Hope it doesn't put him off staying again.
Big day tomorrow! My best mate's mum's wedding day. I stupidly agreed to organise the photo bits but have now turned into the photographer!

Initially the idea was that I gather friends and family including myself to take snaps and whichever came out well would be collected to make wedding album. Not anymore. I got 'the list' of what pics they want taken. Nice of somebody to tell me that I was going to be this involved. Apparently I'm alos acting like an usher tomorrow. I have to be one of the early ones to get everyone in. I should stop bitching. I'm tired and life is confusing and would right now quite like to be curled up, sleeping naked in bed with a sexy 21 year old.
hope the "wedding phographer" role you got thrown into went ok!
i dunno, NYC is so big and has so many people there, it will always seem kinda dangerous to me. i'm a scaredy-cat most of the time tho.
good news on the mall job: unofficially, this is my last 2 weeks!