Weird weekend but not quite as fun as all the SGUK people had on Saturday night I don't think!
Pretty quiet Friday and Saturday was meant to follow suit as I had plans to actually get my arse up and out on my bike Sunday morning. Alas Vodka called and put a stop to that idea. Shot across to Reading (late as always) to meet up with a few mates for a quiet drink at their local. One drink later I decided to kip over and get bladdered. I was coerced I tell you!!
A night of waaaay too much vodka ensued at my mates house and I lost a little of the end of the evening. Woke up in the bed but can't remember how I got there or getting undressed.
Luckily my mate who's sexually terrified of me was there (bless him) so I know nothing dodgey occurred. Spent about three hours sfter waking up trying to sober up and then started to wend my way home. Within about ten minutes I realised I was not really fit to be driving yet so stopped in Tesco's and had a little meander to try and completely sober up. That day consisted of getting home, finding my housemate and a friend there whilst I ws trying not to
. Housemate's mate's boyfriend had been dropped in Guildford at two so she was waiting for his call later when he needed his drunken arse picking up. By three in the morning he still hadn't called so they went off to Guildford for a search. Phoned hospitals, police etc and eventually they were told he was wanted in connection with a car jacking and assault
. Apparently very out of character for him but I don't know him so I can't say. He was found in the wee hours of the morning wandering Guildford town centre, arrested, questioned and charged before being let out on bail. Madness!! He insists he remembers nothing after seven thirty the evening before so I recommended he go for a blood test. I'm too sceptical. My mates are all good at heart people but I've seen some do stupid shit when pissed. Guess the courts will decide.
Monday evening was lovely and confusing all at once. Went for a drink with a bloke who has become a really close friend in a seriously short period of time and who I adore. Chatted loads and time passed quickly. Before we knew it the pub was closing and we were the last ones in there. He's off to africa for six months in just under a week and by the time he gets back I'll be up north so was sucky saying goodbye. He then blurts out mid hug 'I know this is gonna sound weird but I just really want to hug you all night if that would be cool? Don't want to shag you, just really want to hug you.' He has a girlfriend, which is why I never made a move on him. Kept it purely mates cos I like him too much. 'Erm, yeah, that'd be cool' I say so we head back to mine. Spent hours talking even though I had work yesterday. Spent hours hugging and kissing (yeah that wasn't the deal) and it all felt far more intimate than sex would ever have been. Felt so good being embraced by him. Yet, saying goodbye the next morning didn't feel sad or weird as it just felt like I was gonna see him tomorrow or something.
Now my irritating little brain has kicked in and I don't really understand what happened. Very confused little Belle and I miss him loads even though he hasn't even gone yet.
Minimal textual contact from him since yesterday morning. I think he's feeling guilty, which makes me feel shitty. Why's life always so fucking weird?!

Pretty quiet Friday and Saturday was meant to follow suit as I had plans to actually get my arse up and out on my bike Sunday morning. Alas Vodka called and put a stop to that idea. Shot across to Reading (late as always) to meet up with a few mates for a quiet drink at their local. One drink later I decided to kip over and get bladdered. I was coerced I tell you!!

Monday evening was lovely and confusing all at once. Went for a drink with a bloke who has become a really close friend in a seriously short period of time and who I adore. Chatted loads and time passed quickly. Before we knew it the pub was closing and we were the last ones in there. He's off to africa for six months in just under a week and by the time he gets back I'll be up north so was sucky saying goodbye. He then blurts out mid hug 'I know this is gonna sound weird but I just really want to hug you all night if that would be cool? Don't want to shag you, just really want to hug you.' He has a girlfriend, which is why I never made a move on him. Kept it purely mates cos I like him too much. 'Erm, yeah, that'd be cool' I say so we head back to mine. Spent hours talking even though I had work yesterday. Spent hours hugging and kissing (yeah that wasn't the deal) and it all felt far more intimate than sex would ever have been. Felt so good being embraced by him. Yet, saying goodbye the next morning didn't feel sad or weird as it just felt like I was gonna see him tomorrow or something.
Now my irritating little brain has kicked in and I don't really understand what happened. Very confused little Belle and I miss him loads even though he hasn't even gone yet.
Minimal textual contact from him since yesterday morning. I think he's feeling guilty, which makes me feel shitty. Why's life always so fucking weird?!
life is sometimes too fuckin weird and guys can be even more weird. But that sounded like such a perfect evening
Believe me, i'm not saying i can dance! but at least i make an effort! Whatever happened to the days when you'd go into a mosh pit and get carried off without your feet touching the ground for the whole set?!