Yay! New name, new hair colour, new haircut, new profile pic! The world is looking rosey again.
The last 24 hours have been rather traumatic where my hair's concerned.
Set about bleaching it last night. Fancied being blonde as I've not been blonde in years. Read and reread all the advice given in the bleaching threads in the Hair Stuff group and thought 'I've done it before from black! I'll be fine!' Alas! I would post pics but you'd all be traumatised! Plus I have also deleted them as I want no reminders of me being ginger. And no, I'm not gingerist! I used to date a ginger.
It's just not a look that suits me. So after several conditioning treatments I had to make the decision today. Cope with the ginger until I can bleach it again? Or cover it up and give up on the whole blonde idea? As you can see from the pic, option 2 was the winner. Also decided I no longer liked the style so got rid of a fair amount of it. Personally I like it. Even in that pic where I am minus slap!
My fella has only seen pics and he likes it too. But then he did say last night (when I was traumatised about the whole hair experience) that I could always shave it off and start again and he'd still shag me so hey! There's no accounting for taste these days.
This week has mostly consisting of days off work to complete my maths projects. Two of, due after Easter break. Both of which I still haven't started. Doh! Spent most of the week looking at bike stuff, clothes, shoes and porn. I suck when it comes to learning. I have a pretty good brain if I do say so but can't be arsed when the subject matter is of no interest. Statistics? Who cares!?
This weekend has mostly consisted of sorting my hair, picking up parcels (Yay! New shampoo and stuff!), taking Jonah for his booster, listening to Guns 'n Roses, sending dirty text messages to my fella and eating peanut M & M's. It's been good. Only downside really was breaking the news of my proposed move to Yorkshire to my best mate. He's understanding but not best pleased. Silly boy thought it was so I could be closer to my fella. I had to explain that with fella moving to Birmingham later this year there wasn't any change to distance between here and Birm and Birm and York. Sure my bezza mate will be all good though. Gives him another place to holiday! Plus he's off to China for two weeks tomorrow for no money at all. Lucky git!!
Hope all you lovely people are having a fabulous weekend!
The last 24 hours have been rather traumatic where my hair's concerned.
Set about bleaching it last night. Fancied being blonde as I've not been blonde in years. Read and reread all the advice given in the bleaching threads in the Hair Stuff group and thought 'I've done it before from black! I'll be fine!' Alas! I would post pics but you'd all be traumatised! Plus I have also deleted them as I want no reminders of me being ginger. And no, I'm not gingerist! I used to date a ginger.

This week has mostly consisting of days off work to complete my maths projects. Two of, due after Easter break. Both of which I still haven't started. Doh! Spent most of the week looking at bike stuff, clothes, shoes and porn. I suck when it comes to learning. I have a pretty good brain if I do say so but can't be arsed when the subject matter is of no interest. Statistics? Who cares!?
This weekend has mostly consisted of sorting my hair, picking up parcels (Yay! New shampoo and stuff!), taking Jonah for his booster, listening to Guns 'n Roses, sending dirty text messages to my fella and eating peanut M & M's. It's been good. Only downside really was breaking the news of my proposed move to Yorkshire to my best mate. He's understanding but not best pleased. Silly boy thought it was so I could be closer to my fella. I had to explain that with fella moving to Birmingham later this year there wasn't any change to distance between here and Birm and Birm and York. Sure my bezza mate will be all good though. Gives him another place to holiday! Plus he's off to China for two weeks tomorrow for no money at all. Lucky git!!
Hope all you lovely people are having a fabulous weekend!

Went to Nottingham for a wander & to take some pics on sat afternoon. I like to go off to somewhere else from Leic. if I have time when I go there.
Would have called in at the 'Trip to Jerusalem' for a pint or two had I not been meeting a freind back in Leicester in the evening.
Your hairdo looks good, albeit not the colour you intended.