Well, what can I say. Another man down the drain!
But eventually ended up being a mutual decision. He was always away and never contacted me 'cos he admits he's selfish and I got upset and a little bunny boileresque about it and he got scared and I got angry and we had a chat and it's all cool now except we are not going to continue going through this shit in a relationship sense. Best to just stay mates and enjoy each other's company in a normal fashion!
What am I like?!
But on the positive I am off to Nottingham to see a fairly long time online friend weekend after payday. Not sure what exactly he has planned but I have two faves of his suggestions. One is to watch anime on a big screen with surround sound!
Or go to 'Rock City'
I like that idea simply for the cheesey title of it! But as he's never met me in the flesh before I may leave getting wankered and making an arse of myself for another time.
My nights for the next week will mostly consist of writing a history essay which is already overdue and a source question due Monday. I spoke nicely to my lecturer and I have an extension on the essay until Thursday 16:00.
Just need to find the focus now!

But on the positive I am off to Nottingham to see a fairly long time online friend weekend after payday. Not sure what exactly he has planned but I have two faves of his suggestions. One is to watch anime on a big screen with surround sound!

My nights for the next week will mostly consist of writing a history essay which is already overdue and a source question due Monday. I spoke nicely to my lecturer and I have an extension on the essay until Thursday 16:00.

Well sounding like Southampton docks isn't as bad as smelling like them haha
Hope you have a great weekend hun
I hope the trip to Nottingham goes well. I've never actually been to Rock City, but since I support Forest, I have quite a few friends from Nottingham and they say it can be a good night, but be fair that's mostly when there's bands on. I'm sure you won't make an arse of yourself. I just hope your friend turns out to be like how you know him.
I hope the history essay went well. That was one subject I never got on well with. Although I did get good marks once as we had to write a diary of a Roman soldier and I did all the dates on Roman numerals which the teacher was impressed with.