Got loads of work to do for college which I have the awful sinking feeling is already overdue.
Have barely heard from the lovely police fella all week as he's working double shifts and my insecurities are kicking in to say he's letting me down gently. Doesnt help when those who are your sanity against the insecurity are saying the same thing. Guess I will have to wait and see what he has to say for himself if anything. I'm not holding out too much that he likes me anywhere near as much as I do him. But hey! I should be used to that by now! lol! Go for a challenege doesnt always mean you're gonna win. A bit sucky though as he's one of two people I've actually fancied for about a year now. (Hey, I'm a fussy lady!) And although I get along super well with the other fella, he has a girlfriend. And will be travelling to Africa for six months soon.
Sorry! Warbling about men and my world does not revolve around them. Just really, really tired of being single. Love my mates with all my heart but they don't quite fill that gap.
Mostly over nasty cold fluey type thing which was threatening to turn me into a mutant yesterday.
All swollen eyed and snotty! Was not a very attractive look for me. An eye patch would have come in handy but as it was I didn't leave the house. Stayed in bed until midday and then watched Batman Begins before catching up on sky plussed stuff I have been collecting for a couple of weeks now.
Oh yeah, had a beautiful new addition to my left sleeve done last Friday. I love, love, love it! Although looking a little skanky and crusty at the mo as my healing antibodies have been fighting the cold fluey thing. Will post pics when it's looking pretty once again.
Right, suppose I better get some college work done as I won't be going on any degree courses without decent results! Let me find a focus!!!!

Got loads of work to do for college which I have the awful sinking feeling is already overdue.
Have barely heard from the lovely police fella all week as he's working double shifts and my insecurities are kicking in to say he's letting me down gently. Doesnt help when those who are your sanity against the insecurity are saying the same thing. Guess I will have to wait and see what he has to say for himself if anything. I'm not holding out too much that he likes me anywhere near as much as I do him. But hey! I should be used to that by now! lol! Go for a challenege doesnt always mean you're gonna win. A bit sucky though as he's one of two people I've actually fancied for about a year now. (Hey, I'm a fussy lady!) And although I get along super well with the other fella, he has a girlfriend. And will be travelling to Africa for six months soon.

Sorry! Warbling about men and my world does not revolve around them. Just really, really tired of being single. Love my mates with all my heart but they don't quite fill that gap.
Mostly over nasty cold fluey type thing which was threatening to turn me into a mutant yesterday.

Oh yeah, had a beautiful new addition to my left sleeve done last Friday. I love, love, love it! Although looking a little skanky and crusty at the mo as my healing antibodies have been fighting the cold fluey thing. Will post pics when it's looking pretty once again.

Right, suppose I better get some college work done as I won't be going on any degree courses without decent results! Let me find a focus!!!!
Thanx for the wishes
Talk to you soon
And I completely understand about being single. It's been a very long time for me but hopefully it will work well with you and your police fella so you don't have to be tired anymore
I hope you're feeling better. I've been lucky so far (touch wood) and haven't caught a cold, but there's still plenty of it around for me to catch