Well, it is late at night, just got in from the pub and feeling a little
, so a good night over all!!
My folks are down from the lovely shire of York this weekend which is always awesome. My folks are my lifeline. Not just blood relations but also two of my bestest mates. Love seeing them, miss them dearly when they're gone.
Tonight has been spent cooking my nowlegendary stuffed chicken recipe and drinking hideous amounts of alcohol.
Always a good time to be had with my family.
Missing my new police fella dearly though. Feeling a little silly as waiting for the crunch when he tells me it's all a lie and he doesnt really fancy me. Yes, I am a silly sausage but I just can't help it. Besides, my housemate reminded me that my time of the month is due so no surprises about my mental state there then!!
I just hope he won't turn out like the others. All up for someone a little different and then freak out 'cos I'm actually a really nice person with no chip on her shoulder. Where's a damn McCain's when you need it?!
I need a new tattoo, maybe the endorphines will sort my head out. Probably not but it's worth a try! Any excuse for new work!
Right, I'll stop my warbling and drunken ramblings. I just really, really fancy him and don't want it go wrong. Damn it!!!! No interest in my life for bloody ages and then when one comes along I'm going funny in the head. Not told him though so it's all good. I can go insane on my own and somehow not scare him away through my strange mentalness! pmsl!!!
The rest of this weekend will be spent going into Reading town centre tomorrow to support my Mum in her shopping mission and going out for dinner at a local chinese. It should be lush.
Have Monday off work too but I have college so no seeing my lovely new man then. Buggeration!! Stop it! Ok , no biggie, I'll see him some time next week.
Oh yeah, another thing happened over the last couple of days. I have decided to not apply to be an SG. A couple of people now gutted. Sorry! I've just had to do some soul searching regards my career and; my ass and booblies on a site I can never remove them from may ruin my chances for making a change in the industry I work in. I simply can't take that chance. I now have a career, something I never thought I would have and it's weird but good. Something I need to focus on. I hate being a grown up but it had to happen sometime.
Love and respect to all the beautiful SG ladies. If it wasnt for what I do now I would have been proud to have joined your ranks.
Time for bed me thinks, I'm waffling, man no longer in uniform, I miss you! I wanna be snuggled with you right now.

My folks are down from the lovely shire of York this weekend which is always awesome. My folks are my lifeline. Not just blood relations but also two of my bestest mates. Love seeing them, miss them dearly when they're gone.
Tonight has been spent cooking my nowlegendary stuffed chicken recipe and drinking hideous amounts of alcohol.

Missing my new police fella dearly though. Feeling a little silly as waiting for the crunch when he tells me it's all a lie and he doesnt really fancy me. Yes, I am a silly sausage but I just can't help it. Besides, my housemate reminded me that my time of the month is due so no surprises about my mental state there then!!

I need a new tattoo, maybe the endorphines will sort my head out. Probably not but it's worth a try! Any excuse for new work!

The rest of this weekend will be spent going into Reading town centre tomorrow to support my Mum in her shopping mission and going out for dinner at a local chinese. It should be lush.
Have Monday off work too but I have college so no seeing my lovely new man then. Buggeration!! Stop it! Ok , no biggie, I'll see him some time next week.
Oh yeah, another thing happened over the last couple of days. I have decided to not apply to be an SG. A couple of people now gutted. Sorry! I've just had to do some soul searching regards my career and; my ass and booblies on a site I can never remove them from may ruin my chances for making a change in the industry I work in. I simply can't take that chance. I now have a career, something I never thought I would have and it's weird but good. Something I need to focus on. I hate being a grown up but it had to happen sometime.

Love and respect to all the beautiful SG ladies. If it wasnt for what I do now I would have been proud to have joined your ranks.

Time for bed me thinks, I'm waffling, man no longer in uniform, I miss you! I wanna be snuggled with you right now.

Clowns are just wrong!!! The make ups freaky, there not funny and whats the deal with the oversized shoes
I went to a circus in Moscow back in 1987.and didn't enjoy it one bit
I wish I knew how to sort myself out, I keep on looking at the past and wondering if things could have been different which is stupid because looking back and regret is stupid. I'm such a stupid stupid!!
Don't spend too much money shopping with your mum!!