Last night, I had one of the worst nitemares I can remember.
It had something to do with this woman, pictured below:
Yes, you are correct, that's Helen Keller.
Anyway, as it happened, I had a particullarly important assignment (worth 30% of my total grade for the course) to write a five page paper detailing the life and accomplishments of this women and providing an analysis of her effects and/or relation to the cultural climate of the time.
Well, the morning before the essay was due, I went to proofread it (at this point i should have known it was a dream because Inever proofread anything). Upon the initial readthrough I made a horrible discovery. I had copied my entire paper word for word from the Helen Keller biography (my only source). Worse, I had provided NO internal citation whatsoever.
I woke up, horrified until I realized school does not begin for another 2 weeks.
It had something to do with this woman, pictured below:

Yes, you are correct, that's Helen Keller.
Anyway, as it happened, I had a particullarly important assignment (worth 30% of my total grade for the course) to write a five page paper detailing the life and accomplishments of this women and providing an analysis of her effects and/or relation to the cultural climate of the time.
Well, the morning before the essay was due, I went to proofread it (at this point i should have known it was a dream because Inever proofread anything). Upon the initial readthrough I made a horrible discovery. I had copied my entire paper word for word from the Helen Keller biography (my only source). Worse, I had provided NO internal citation whatsoever.
I woke up, horrified until I realized school does not begin for another 2 weeks.
Not that that is in any way useful to you, nor will it at all benefit you to know it. I just felt like sharing.
You're not so not rad yourself.
EGADS what a wretchid nightmare--NO IN-TEXT CITATION?? THAT'S HORRIFYING!!!
Just WHAT would your professor think? You deplorable bitch moster you... plagerizing like that. *slaps you* BAD!
[Edited on Aug 20, 2005 4:23PM]