some people have old souls; some people have old souls and if one isn't careful; if one isn't careful one can become so rapt (so rapt) that turning away from a person, an idea, or two eyes (for christsakes!) is a battle you never know how to fight or even why.
I found Tommy Lee Wallace's rendition of "IT" in my closet and intend to watch IT momentarily. But first I gotta finish burning this cd which contains selctions from The Neverending Story soundtrack and other equally bitchin' albums.
Oh! The 80's discussion last night prompted me to listen to Frank Zappa's "Valley Girl" today. Fuck yeah.
edit because damn it feels good to be a gangsta.
1 )uploaded pictures
2) i got this from Selket: If there is one person you can't stop thinking about post this sentence in your journal.
some people have old souls; some people have old souls and if one isn't careful; if one isn't careful one can become so rapt (so rapt) that turning away from a person, an idea, or two eyes (for christsakes!) is a battle you never know how to fight or even why.
I found Tommy Lee Wallace's rendition of "IT" in my closet and intend to watch IT momentarily. But first I gotta finish burning this cd which contains selctions from The Neverending Story soundtrack and other equally bitchin' albums.
Oh! The 80's discussion last night prompted me to listen to Frank Zappa's "Valley Girl" today. Fuck yeah.
edit because damn it feels good to be a gangsta.
1 )uploaded pictures
2) i got this from Selket: If there is one person you can't stop thinking about post this sentence in your journal.
and you have good taste