Wednesday Nov 03, 2004 Nov 3, 2004 0 Facebook Tweet Email ........................ugh thank u america for another 4 more years of idiocy and made up words _pauly_: whats got 75 balls and screws old woman? BINGO!! just trying to cheer you up i'm not a big fan of politicians, but i understand why everyones so angry today , nevermind, as long as cheney does'nt get the nomination and win in 4 years (shudders) [Edited on Nov 03, 2004 8:30PM] Nov 3, 2004 bleakronin: America at it's finest... Nov 8, 2004
just trying to cheer you up
i'm not a big fan of politicians, but i understand why everyones so angry today , nevermind, as long as cheney does'nt get the nomination and win in 4 years (shudders)
[Edited on Nov 03, 2004 8:30PM]