dear school
i hate you too now, almost as much as work...
i should stop talking all night to
not_punk_enough, but the damn kid makes me smile... fucking hell.
ps perspective class i hate you the most.
i saw a bum on the street wearing a shirt that said "leave my the fuck alone"
well put my man, well put.
ok so im blowing off class and sleeping and going to my other class then work then home to do homework.... then sleep then more school work and class and then back to sleep then class then class then work then sleep then undeclaired possible trip with ian to the hello kitty store cause he loves me then sleep then sleep then a hot date with not_punk_enough. then other shit.
i hate you too now, almost as much as work...
i should stop talking all night to
not_punk_enough, but the damn kid makes me smile... fucking hell.
ps perspective class i hate you the most.
i saw a bum on the street wearing a shirt that said "leave my the fuck alone"
well put my man, well put.
ok so im blowing off class and sleeping and going to my other class then work then home to do homework.... then sleep then more school work and class and then back to sleep then class then class then work then sleep then undeclaired possible trip with ian to the hello kitty store cause he loves me then sleep then sleep then a hot date with not_punk_enough. then other shit.

Are you still up?
Hey now! I just wanted to welcome a local. Looks like you've only been with us for the last few weeks. Howdy!