Hey everyone - thanks for welcoming a noob to your site. I'm a longtime fan but first-time member. I'm an all-around pop culture nerd but my passion's games. I play them and write about them and stay up all night with them. My boytoy Zach is great too, but whatever about him - he's just glad I subscribed so he can sneak in for free.
Can't wait to start meeting you all and sharing some writing. Be kind and don't be shy!
Can't wait to start meeting you all and sharing some writing. Be kind and don't be shy!
I guess slowly & deadly is my answer.
I write about console and PC games, AAA-titles and also indies. I'm working on an interview now with an indie developer, and I hope to plug the indie games scene every chance I get. (And bonus, you can play a lot of indie games for cheap or free, which gives everyone a chance to jump in on the conversation!)