So wow, lots of things have happened since I was last here. Um... to follow up on the last post, we did not win fashion week, but the time working during that week was very eye opening. I no longer work at Sew Sister, and have no intention of going back. I'd like to say I'm not bitter; I wasn't for a long time. Recently I've realized what a crap job that was, how terrible of a boss I had, and I no longer give a shit if either of the last two people working there see something like this. This is the internet, I have a right to bitch. But! That's all far too negative for my first actual post back, and damn life has been good (though if anyone asks, I will elaborate
Holy crap guys! Hi! It's been so long! Ok, in the last 7 months I:

Holy crap guys! Hi! It's been so long! Ok, in the last 7 months I:
- Learned Rudolph the Rednose Reindeer on ukulele.
- Got carpal tunnel from gaming, sewing, and crocheting.
- Became a foodie for need of a new craft after less crocheting.
- Met Mike Judge. I told myself not to fangirl, but I totally did.
- Got an elephant teapot for Christmas. I love my Gishy!
- Made a Dr. Who snowflake.
- Got Gish sea monkeys for Christmas. We're already grandparents!
- Made these:
and this...
- Got a whole stereo system including record player and tape deck complete with New Kids on Block cassette.
- Started growing out my hair. I can pull it back for the first time in I don't know how many years.
- Went to Hutto Culture Festival. The taiko drummers and the pop and lock belly dancer were really cool, but it was made by the field of bouncy houses and fried oreos
- Reached gold status with Club Nintendo, and got the free 2010 calender.
- Got new glasses. The other "new" ones didn't break. I just wanted another pair cause they're pretty (case in point, new profile picture).
- Tried pot for the first time. Turns out I like it.
- Apparently, had this for breakfast on August 20th (thanks Flickr for keeping dates).
- Went to a homeless art show. Purchased four art pieces.
- Hosted our first couch surfer... who puked all over our bath tub.
- Created this after Gish handed me his acoustic bass (just like the one in the picture), and I was nearly crushed by it's overwhelming size.
- Got a Star Trek science shirt off a Cheez-it box. I also developed a massive crush on the new Spock.
(I don't really like this picture anymore, but it shows the shirt so there ya go.) - Went to, it's a treat. Read about "The Adonis".
- Found out Paul McCartney is dead (look it up if you don't believe me
- Didn't give a shit about Micheal Jackson dying (I understand if some of you hate me now... also I don't care).
- Carved a vagina pumpkin (it was going to be the eye of Sauron, but didn't quite make it there.) Simon Pegg is appalled.
- Fell in love with Harold and Maude.
- Watched the end of David Tennant as Dr. Who
- Saw the ocean for the first time. After shots of tequila, walking down the ocean at night can make you feel quite infinite.
- Went on and off a diet cause it cost WAY too much, but I did lose 10 lbs. Regained it over the holidays, totally worth it.
- Was Team Zissou with Gish for Halloween.
- Had a hamburger cake for my birthday. Oh nose! Ya'll now know my name! Whatevs
- Went to Dismember the Alamo Zombie Film Fest and saw Dead Snow. Fucking good. Lots of disemboweling.
- Painted a gnome.
I can't really think of anything else at the moment. I made a hat today and I'm working on a scarf which is almost done . I'm sorry I don't have pictures, my camera has become garbage. These days, there are phones with more megapixels than my camera. Tonight, we're going to a pajama jammie jam at AxisofPudding's place.
Bye for now .
so much news, so many questions
just this one for now
where does one get such an excellent cake
and fries with dat shake?
Ask away! I love questions