So I finally got some pictures around and I apologize because I've realized just how out of date and shitty my digital camera is. Also Gish's scanner is really old. SO! To start...
I totally met Brea Grant the speedster in Heroes. She came to Alamo Drafthouse Lake Creek for the monday night showing of Heroes. She answered questions and she's really cute and tiny and I wanted to put her in my pocket. She's also writing zombie comics so fucking kick ass.
Here's a lovely picture of my family from when they came down to see me on my birthday...
And now for Christmas Booty
I got a WIIIIIIIIIIIIII! Oh my gah, I'm so happy
We already bought 7 games for it with gift money and my mom bought Wii play and LoZ:Twilight Princess which has yet to arrive. Oh and my mom got me the Wii... YAY MOM!
And my grandma got me the Holga... YAY GRANDMA! I'm so fucking stoked to use it. The goggles are from an antique store in Michigan for $6. From the same place I got this...
It... it says it all. If you can't really read it, it says, "Where the time of your life is right under your nose." Fuck yes it is. I don't have penis envy (actually I kinda do... if I had one, I'd totally put a Groucho Marx disguise on it.), I have mustache envy. I recently bought a bunch of old craft books (24 issues of Annie's Craft Newsletter to be exact) and there's a crochet pattern for a man's apron with 3 different style of manry faces on them. Each one has a different mustache. I totally making them and putting them on elastic. If you or someone you know is interested in buying them, hit me up!
We found these at another antique store. If you haven't guessed, I'm a die hard Nintendo fan girl.
The second doesn't need explanation, really... it's just that awesome. The first one is a craft book that my grandma gave me. It covers a lot of different kinds of crafts and I'm kinda excited to try quilting. It doesn't take much to inspire me...
I also wanna get into knitting, macrame, embroidery, and perler beads. I did perler bead craft when I was little and put good effort into knitting and embroidery several times, but now I think I wanna give a serious go at all three
And finally *angels sing* The Office. It wasn't really a present cause we have to pay our friend back, but I couldn't be happier. It's my stories, man. Wii + Holga + The Office = very happy Pixel
Updated to add: I forgot to mention that earlier I got a call from Gish's mom saying that her friend never received the package I sent. This package contained 5 sock monkey hand puppets and two baby blankets that I made. This man paid me $315 for it all, but thankfully Gish's mommy insured the package for $800. Why so much? I don't know, but she clearly has her moments of brilliance. I'm miffed that I have to remake the fucking things all over again, but I am getting an extra $500 out of it (Gish's mom is keeping $300 to cover shipping, yarn, and insurance since she paid for the yarn and will probably pay for this yarn too). I'm so getting an ipod.
Peace ya'll!
With love, Pixel.
I totally met Brea Grant the speedster in Heroes. She came to Alamo Drafthouse Lake Creek for the monday night showing of Heroes. She answered questions and she's really cute and tiny and I wanted to put her in my pocket. She's also writing zombie comics so fucking kick ass.
Here's a lovely picture of my family from when they came down to see me on my birthday...
And now for Christmas Booty
I got a WIIIIIIIIIIIIII! Oh my gah, I'm so happy
We already bought 7 games for it with gift money and my mom bought Wii play and LoZ:Twilight Princess which has yet to arrive. Oh and my mom got me the Wii... YAY MOM!
And my grandma got me the Holga... YAY GRANDMA! I'm so fucking stoked to use it. The goggles are from an antique store in Michigan for $6. From the same place I got this...
It... it says it all. If you can't really read it, it says, "Where the time of your life is right under your nose." Fuck yes it is. I don't have penis envy (actually I kinda do... if I had one, I'd totally put a Groucho Marx disguise on it.), I have mustache envy. I recently bought a bunch of old craft books (24 issues of Annie's Craft Newsletter to be exact) and there's a crochet pattern for a man's apron with 3 different style of manry faces on them. Each one has a different mustache. I totally making them and putting them on elastic. If you or someone you know is interested in buying them, hit me up!
We found these at another antique store. If you haven't guessed, I'm a die hard Nintendo fan girl.
The second doesn't need explanation, really... it's just that awesome. The first one is a craft book that my grandma gave me. It covers a lot of different kinds of crafts and I'm kinda excited to try quilting. It doesn't take much to inspire me...
I also wanna get into knitting, macrame, embroidery, and perler beads. I did perler bead craft when I was little and put good effort into knitting and embroidery several times, but now I think I wanna give a serious go at all three
And finally *angels sing* The Office. It wasn't really a present cause we have to pay our friend back, but I couldn't be happier. It's my stories, man. Wii + Holga + The Office = very happy Pixel
Updated to add: I forgot to mention that earlier I got a call from Gish's mom saying that her friend never received the package I sent. This package contained 5 sock monkey hand puppets and two baby blankets that I made. This man paid me $315 for it all, but thankfully Gish's mommy insured the package for $800. Why so much? I don't know, but she clearly has her moments of brilliance. I'm miffed that I have to remake the fucking things all over again, but I am getting an extra $500 out of it (Gish's mom is keeping $300 to cover shipping, yarn, and insurance since she paid for the yarn and will probably pay for this yarn too). I'm so getting an ipod.
Peace ya'll!
With love, Pixel.
Sigh, I hear ya. I've had a couple but not in a long while..
Sounds a good Xmas. ![biggrin](