So yeah, couple days ago I was in a car accident. Gish was driving and we were going past the high school where we live. We saw a kid in a little red Honda Civic turn in front of us (legally, we were at a intersection) all the while I'm thinking, "Oh, some punk kid who probably just got his license and thinks he owns the road." Then he pulls off to side and we think he's parking cause they're cars already lining the street from other kids parking and going to school. Logically, we start pulling around him when BAM! He pulls a u-turn in the middle of the road. No turn signal, completely illegal... just whips around. Of course we pull of to the side, and get out to check damage. Out of the other car, in the words of Gish, "steps Mclovin". This kid had to be the biggest dork I've seen in a long time. He was 16, just got his license 2 weeks ago, and looked like he was about to cry or puke the whole time we sorted it out. Gish said he was already to get pissed and yell at him, but saw him and though "Aww man, I can't yell at him... he'll piss his pants." If you don't already know, Gish is 6'4". Big guy, right? I am 6' and to quote Gish again, "built like Rosie the Riveter". Anyway, we banged his car up pretty bad and apparently made it bounce, according to one of the witnesses. Just figures that my car is "totaled" though. I got a flat and it fucked up my front bumper. The repairs were gonna be more than the car, so we said fuck it, we'll take the $1,350 and get a new one. Plus Gish's parents are gonna help us out too. Our parents fuckin rock.
6' and cute? I wasn't aware that was possible until now