So nothing terribly interesting has happened of late. Gish had shows, friends had parties, stereomood played me good music, la la la. Now, I'm getting spring fever. It's absolutely gorgeous in our part of Austin. High 70's with a lovely breeze and sunny.

Gish and I are in the process of adopting a doggy. His name is Phatty, he's, as far as we can tell,...
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Sorry that I haven't posted since January, but I didn't realize it was February. So just got back from a party at axisofpudding's place where there was geek (played with 1337 tiles), dual-board scrabble and Mean Girls. I'd call it a fucking good party. Not a whole lot of other excitement going on. Might have a new money making project painting. We picked up...
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Welcome back!
I'm crazy about these two! They inspire me so much! Anybody wanna get Gish and I a video camera so we can make video songs together!?
My computer crashed. I managed to get a virus (from downloading porn blush ), and I couldn't wipe it. I reformated and now my computer doesn't see my ethernet device. Hang tight while I get it back up and running biggrin.
Thats terrible, I'm sorry to hear that. I always recommend avast antivirus, free and pretty good.
That's the one Gish's mom recommended. I shall look into it as soon as I'm back on my own machine biggrin.
So flippin' adorable. biggrin
So wow, lots of things have happened since I was last here. Um... to follow up on the last post, we did not win fashion week, but the time working during that week was very eye opening. I no longer work at Sew Sister, and have no intention of going back. I'd like to say I'm not bitter; I wasn't for a long time. Recently...
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so much news, so many questions

just this one for now

where does one get such an excellent cake

and fries with dat shake?

My mister actually got it for me at the local grocery store. It was kinda melty on the side cause my mother-in-law left it in the trunk of her car for awhile whatever.

Ask away! I love questions biggrin.

go beekersuicide go!
Still waiting to find out if we won anything with Austin Fashion Week. The fashion show was Thursday night and was crazy awesome. I worked back stage so a show that was 20 min only felt like 2... crazy adrenaline! I didn't really get to see any of it, but I did hear the screams at the men in the undies. We launched our men's...
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I hope that it worked out well for you guys!
Shortly after getting married, I went back to work at Sew Sister Fabrics. I'm a lingerie designer and seamstress. We won Texas Next Top Designer and my boss (still working out the details for me and my coworker) is going to New York Fashion Week in January. We're working on Austin Fashion Week right now so go vote for us here.
That is cool stuff! smile
Now I'm too broke for a camera or ipod, but I am married.
really, your relatives suck if they couldnt havent gotten you electronics as wedding gifts! and congrats on love thingy
Congratulations on the nuptuals. smile
Camera or Ipod?

for what, surgery?

i am more dependent on ipod, but i do have some kickin photography

how 'bout you?

Camera. Camera can take pretty pictures. Sell pretty pictures. Buy iPod.
I've decided that when my subscription on here is done, I'm not renewing it. SG just doesn't have the same meaning to me anymore. I found this site when I was 13 and the diversity of women and how different they were from mass media made me comfortable with myself. The curvy, the modded, the dreaded, the big tits... I saw myself and knew I...
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I totally get that, I wouldn't be on here now if the SG staff hadn't given me three months for free... I still think the women are beautiful, even if they aren't exclusively selecting the ones with body mods and gigantic breasts, and I think it's nice that they've extended their viewpoint on what "different" is so that it's not just the same thing over and over. I really think I was looking for something great in addition to beautiful women, and it seems to be lacking there for sure...

i'm with ya,

too many strippers with tattoos

versus wild wild women of varying races, dynamics and dimensions

now i come for the chat

be well pixel grrrrrrl