so this morning on a whim i decided to get a new addition to my piercing collection. i decided to give iron monkey up in dublin a whirl. my best friend sara got her tattoo there and said they were really nice and professional, so i checked them out. turns out the owner actually did my conch. it was pretty painless; very quick. i went in planning to get a barbell and working it up to a suspended ball hoop once it healed, but he talked me into just going ahead and getting the hoop. the worst part was tightening the hoop. i hardly noticed the piercing itself. it's only been two hours since i got it done and it doesn't even burn or anything. i think once it heals up though i'm going to get a smaller hoop put in. i've got such small ears the one i have in it now looks huge.
next addition, the curly-cue industrial ear cuff on my right ear. ^_^
next addition, the curly-cue industrial ear cuff on my right ear. ^_^
I'm sorta a wuss when it comes to piercings. It hasen't stoped me from getting more though. I have 2 gage plugs in my ears, along with a 18 gage ring, and my labrat. Been thinking about getting my nipples done. I can handle tattoos all day long, strange.
Glad your doing well with your new steel addition