Well today I got called into work for the 5-11 shift. Some stupid mexican kept fucking up the order and I knew what I was doing but noooo he fucked it up.
Still havent had my drunken cleaning, but on sat night I probably will.
Told manager I would work 11-2 on top of my 5-9 shift.
So basically tomorrow I wake up, eat, feed...
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hi, i finally got my computer working enough to see your pics. i love the candy picture. ill call you sometime tomorrow. hopefully sooner than later. i need to get out of here! -Aries
HEY! the fair sometime this week sounds great!! Like i said, i don't get off work till 6pm.. and i now have to be up for work at 6am, so i can't stay out too super late smile i'll see ya online and we'll work out the details!!! have fun at work!!!!biggrin
Well last night I didnt drink or clean. Maybe tonight that is what I will do. I have a hard time getting away from my computer...I am addicted!
I think tomorrow will be drunk cleaning day, if I dont end up making plans tonight.
I havent done jack shit in two days, not even showered eeek I am a smelly girl.
Well off to take a...
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drunken cleaning....i should try that.
Got payed today, but it was shit and I owed money so pretty much I am down to nothing frown
Didnt do much today, got some inperial rolls from the vietmanese place down the street with my buddy, came home, watched Skipped Parts.
Its been toooooo fucking long since I got drunk. I think tonight, I am going to finish off my vodka. I hate getting...
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hello, ive been super busy. i will call you saturday. it could b a little earlier than that though. it just depends on when i get out of work.- peace
Drunken cleaning, huh? Sounds like fun wink
I berry excited, on Saturday, Aries is going to call me!! shocked She is so damn cute! I got called into work tonight, it was kind o fun cuz Justin was the Manager!
A friend is driving from VA Beach in like two weeks to come visit me, I berry excited about that! I love meeting new people.
Had a bad orgasm today, I am so...
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I'm confused.... bad orgasm

Is that like bad pizza? I think the odds are like one in 6.234519 million.
It was a bad orgasm just cuz it was, dont really know how to explain.
Its isnt really like a bad pizza cuz I didnt puke or feel sick, just got mad.
I have now watched Skipped Parts five times in two days, it is sad really. Whats also sad is it has been over a week since I got drunk eeek
I talked to Aries tonight. She is so sweet, I tink I am in love love hee hee
Also today, I broke my friend's mirror on her visor in her dads car, and a cig came back...
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You like converge and fleetwood mac... Cool. There is something to this "open minded" thing!
your cat mojo looks exactly like my cat tabbitha prisicilla.... but mine has two different colored eyes... i'm from hagerstown.. thought i'd say hi!!biggrin
Just decided to write a journal cuz havent written one yet.
hi, MDer! Frederick reppin it, holla! i talked to your sis yesterday on the computer, its a small fuckin world, i'll tell you that (but we're from the same town, so you know that) well, i live in B-more now, but , yeah, ya know...anyway, its cool to see someone i know on here, you still playin guitar?
Well isn't that nice of her.

Nice to meet you. smile