Welp, the past 24 hours havent been good at all. Last night I was told by fiance's friend he found someone else, but it was a lie, or else why would he want me to move down to NC with him asap.

Woke up at 6:15am and connected internet, and then came back to room to play on puter and I had horriable pains. it...
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Who's your sister?? If you dont want to post REAL names feel free to send it to me through my CONTACT option... Im waaaaaaaaay curious!

anyhoo... I gotsta go to work now!
I totally remember the Machete slashings! Vaguely.. I don't remember any details but I remember it happening.. smile
Went to The Great Frederick Fair today, wasnt too shabby. I got me some food and a glow in the dark budda!!!
Did a handwriting analysis thing and the results are:
-You have very good taste and cannot tolerate anything cheap or gaudy(false)
-Your moods vary from the highest and lowest(true)
-You are very expressive and tend to "Talk with your hands"(tue, said it wasnt,...
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yr really cute!!! and i mean like really really cute!!! smile

and if things are really over with you & yr fiance (which im hoping they are not)... please look me up!!!

hope things are okay with ya!!!
Why is it everytime someone starts dating someone, they completely change how they change the way they act towards you?? I am really sick of it. mad

My friend has been acting so weird and it sucks ass. All he does is complains about me wanting to talk to him and tell me to relax. How am I going to relax when I feel a friendship...
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Yes Fractal darling, I have sonsidered medication
i have depression too... it's a type of depression called dysthymia.... so believe me i know how it feels, if you ever need to talk... give me a buzz.... we should exchange numbers so we can get together sometime... unfortunatly the frederick fair isn't gonna happen... it's supposed to get pretty yucky here tomorrow... i work in a school, and they are closing schools early tomorrow.. so i'm losing pay over this now... we better get one hell of a storm or i'm gonna be mad lol...hope you feel better.. sorry about your friend....
Well I woke up at like 3pm today, it was nice to sleep that long. I also went to Wal*Mart today and bought Jawbreak on vhs and bought a renaissance wig, for when I go to the renaissance festival, or just to wear haha. It is pretty kick ass. Me and my friend Sarah also just drove around, singing some cheesy music in the car....
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i wish i could sleep till 3pm frown Tiffany rocks!!! i want a tiffany cd... i just bought debbie gibsons greatest hits not too long ago!!! he he he
thanks for saying i kick ass! that is very cool ! but yes, both girlush figure + die cheerleader die are good friends of mine. i'm in touch with both bands on a very regular basis actually. yeah, i love em both!!!

that must be nice being able to sleep that long. that sounds like me during my uneventful weekends... as i never sleep much during the week & then try to catch up on my sleep on the weekend... it never works! and there is nothing wrong w/ listening to tiffany... i had a major crush on her when i was younger! hell, i still have her cd... and still listen to it.
Well...I havent talked to Louise about it yet, cuz she got mad when I wanted to marry her and Aries, but Kiscica wants to have a three way marriage with her and I. Tee hee hee.

That would be like a dream life/marriage love

Been talking to Kiscica a good amount today and it has made me feel a lot better which is good. (Danks a...
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whens the wedding?
*giggles* you're so fucking cute, i swear.

you totally gave me soooooooo many smiles yesterday. you're such a sweet gal...

mmm. masturbation. wink wink wink

Well all night I was pissy and depressed cause I feel like my friend has been real distant lately. It pretty much sucks major ass!!

Got in a huge fight with fiance cuz I have just been real cranky lately and he always makes me repeat things and that just pisses me the fuck off.

I think some of my friends thing I am kind...
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hey!!! you rock babe! as far as the fair is concerned... it will have to be thrusday night.. but i have a feeling we are not gonna be able to go cause we are supposed to get hit with a freakin hurricane!!! which i think is pretty cool cause nothing exciting ever happens around here! lol... well we'll see!!

[Edited on Sep 15, 2003]
i do that every once in a while...just sort of withdraw from the world. it's good to take time for yourself every once in a while...just don't get too caught up in it. i lost a whole wack of fantastic people in my life when i hid out in my room for so long...it's a real pain to get them all back in my life and stuff. but honestly...do whatever it is you think you need pretty girl...

Well last night...Went and drank at my friend Adams in downtown, he all tried getting in my pants and that pissed me the fuck off.
Had to wait for a cab on the porch from 520am-630am which sucked ass cuz annoying people bothered us. One guy that came and bugged me and my friend Liz while waiting for the cab was talking bout his friend...
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ick...fun night...

xoxo zoe xoxo
holy fucking shit i love Adam, yo everybody...ADAM IS MY BEST FRIEND FROM FOREVER TIL FOREVER. sorry to hear he tried to get in your pants, chica. omigod, i love that boy....his # changed so i havent talked to him in a while though. fuck, i'll be up there this weekend (i hope the Great Frederick Fair doesnt get hurricaned out)....Willard IS my photographer, and i went to school with Everett and that town is so goddam small, aint it? i love adam. tell him to do an eye-shot for me, my drinking days are over, including consumpsion through the eyeball. ahhhh, eye-shots. good times. Tell him said "jack daniels spelt backwards is rock and roll" LONG LIVE JIMMY FLAME.
Going to work at 930am sucked ass but I made it smile I am getting ready to meet my friend liz half way go play a few games of pool and then go downtown and drink. It'll kick ass It will be the end to my fien for alcohol since havent gotten drunk in two weeks. I talked to Aries today. She is wicked sweet. (I...
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sorry about the phone, Babe. you have a wonderfull saturday night. let me know when the BF gives in.smile
let me know what night you plan on going to the fair... thursday or friday night would be best for me.. (cause i get paid thursday)
Tonight was pretty cool. I didnt go to work cuz was sick, which kind o sux.

I went down to the pool hall with my friend Liz and we played pool for like an hour and a half. We ran into Rich and Ryan, which is normal, cuz they are losers who like never leave the pool hall. Then My friend Amber showed up with...
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Well today is shitty. First off it is raining outside and that always depresses me.

Then I woke up and had the shits so I called out of the 11-2 shift. Then I slept until 5 and still didnt feel well so I called out the 5-9 shift.

Hopefully they arent going to be firing me anytime soon. But shit, people get sick, and I...
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