It's my birthday month and I DO NOT feel prepared.
Does anyone else find it difficult to motivate themselves to do a whole birthday plan involving friends, partying and waking up with your clothes on backwards and 5 new cellphone numbers in your address book entitled "hot dude from bar" or "girl with the unicorn pants" etc? Right now I'm sitting at home trying to muster up the enthusiasm and high heel stamina I would need to execute a plan like this.
Haha, maybe I should embrace "RELAXED birthday plans" without imagining my lost youth wailing out a protracted death in some shadowy corner of my brain.
What are your views on Birthday's and do you even celebrate them? If you do, tell me how you like to do it?
I'm planning to read the 5th HP book at work tonight and think no more about birthday plans. Maybe if I ignore it I can carry on being the same age forever.
Good plan, I like it!
Immortality sorted.
Pulling faces in selfies as always. I will attempt a decent update tomorrow (ish).