Bahhhhh, time has REALLY passed since my last Blog Post. I still haven't sat down and plowed through the one about my Joburg trip. (Shame on me)
I blame work... ok, mainly me... but also work. I've been working 4 night shifts a week this month, which is EXHAUSTING. Also good though, because I won't be as poor as church mouse next month and my Birthday is coming up (21st Sep).
This is a milestone birthday for me. I can't believe I've lived a quarter of century already. It scares me because I feel like I've hardly begun to live yet, you know? I have so much still the do and half of my twenties are POOF! I feel like my goal from now on has to be to make every year really count by squeezing in as much as possible.
I've finally started PROPERLY doing yoga every day. That has been a goal for such a long time but I always felt intimidated by the impossible poses and crazy flexibility level (I'm about as flexible as a wooden spoon right now)
This is a really nice and gentle way to start it- 30 Day Yoga Challenge <~ do this if you're a total beginner and find full 60 minute classes with human pretzels too daunting. Also, doing it from home, YAY!! I'm loving it so far. :)
This girl doesn't make me feel lame for not being able to do crow pose or put my head on my knees, which makes me ♡ her.
Alright, soooo... It's 18:00 and I have to get ready for work now. Yoga time!
Here's my body.
Here's my sleep face. Oh! I repierced my Septum the other day. I missed it so much!
Be fabulous, my friends
P.s if you noticed my new profile picture, you'll know that there's something exciting on the way... but all that for another time. ;)