I've finished three quarters of a bottle of wine by myself, which is probably equally lonely and tragic....
oh well!
Let's see if I'm able to write a coherent blog in my inebriated state. Thank God forspell-check.
So, wanted to say thank you for all the comments on my previous blog about hair colours . It's fine to have an idea but always valuable to have someone to bounce the idea off of. You are the best source of advice- impartial and generous with your advice.
Did I mention that I really love reading and replying to your comments? Sometimes I don't get a chance or forget in a typically scatty episode that defines my general existence.
I know that my blogs are sometimes a bit random or possibly boring but thank you for finding them interesting.
(I'm not normally this candid or sentimental, want to guess what kinda wine I've been drinking?)

Onto other topics:
WARNING: many pictures under spoiler.
I always leave the biggest news for last, bad habit of mine.
So.... I'm moving to London in 3 weeks. Flight booked and everything. Basically... I have been looking for things to do here but the salaries are so low and there is just so little work for creative people unless you start your own business, which I just don't have the capital for. I have no intention of taking out a big loan at my age, I could hardly keep track of 2 store cards! I have a British passport so it was always somewhat inevitable that I would move to England eventually. Much of my family is there and there are loads of opportunities, although competition is fierce.
I love South Africa, it is an incredible country and will always be my home but I will be visiting often and who knows where I'll be in a few years?
So... yes. I'll be there from the 22nd of August if anyone would like to hang out and introduce me to the local flora and fauna?
On the way, I'll be stopping off in Johannesburg, staying with the lovely Talamia for a week. Just a small hint, but we may be doing something exciting while I'm there that you will be seeing quite soon.
PHEW! That was a long blog. I hope that you enjoyed it.
London is a beautiful town!
I hope you have a wonderful move.