he convinced me to shave my pubes, after he spit in my veins...
I never hated to love him.
Every time i tried to make love, i only made hate, and that was the way it went.
He convinced me to let him love me, after he broke my faith.
I never loved to hate him.
I convinced me that it was okay, that it was all alright, and that i was not alone, only i was alone, and it just felt right.
I left him after he told me he loved me, i always hated the lies.
I found solace in my mother's arms again, always sweet and smelled like 'mom'. I never loved like i love her.
He found me after i fell from grace, and he gave me candy..."i was only trying to support your tailbone!" after he grabbed my ass....this made me smile. I never smiled.
"what would you say, if i asked you to marry me?" yes....i said yes. I love him like i love my mother.
Unconditional comes from the womb. I no longer sweat diseases.
I never hated to love him.
Every time i tried to make love, i only made hate, and that was the way it went.
He convinced me to let him love me, after he broke my faith.
I never loved to hate him.
I convinced me that it was okay, that it was all alright, and that i was not alone, only i was alone, and it just felt right.
I left him after he told me he loved me, i always hated the lies.
I found solace in my mother's arms again, always sweet and smelled like 'mom'. I never loved like i love her.
He found me after i fell from grace, and he gave me candy..."i was only trying to support your tailbone!" after he grabbed my ass....this made me smile. I never smiled.
"what would you say, if i asked you to marry me?" yes....i said yes. I love him like i love my mother.
Unconditional comes from the womb. I no longer sweat diseases.
...and WOW really nice words. I can relate, and they ring true. You are very talented honey
hey girly all i have is MSN messenger and you're free to add me: cathedraa @ hotmail . com I can't install other IM softs at work (which is where I am right now). Hope to hear from you soon sweets.