I've been in the hospital since Wensday with my little baby girl Alivia. She's 18 months old. She was in a little acceident with the TV. It all began with receiving loaner furniture from our base since we had shipped ours out. One of the items that we got was a chest of drawers that was about three feet tall, with three pull-out drawers. I decided to put in the livingroom and throw the 29" tv that a friend lent me on it. Well being the little explorer that she is found out she could open these drawers. After numorus times of getting on to her about opening and playing with them she decided that climbing into them was the next fun thing to do. So on Wensday afternoon my wife saw her getting into the bottom drawer and was getting up to take her out for like the forth time, but before she got to her, Alivia stood up in it and pulled open the top drawer. Her weight and the top drawers weight combined caused the chest to tip and in turn cause the tv slide off. The corner of the tv struck her on the upper left side of the chest. When it did that it caused a puncture in her lung and it colasped. Luckly a friend was with my wife and called the ambulance and me right away. She was in critical condition for the first two days. She stable now but since Wensday she has had a little tube in her chest to let the air out of her lung cavity and the doctors are waiting for to see if the hole in her lung will heal/seal by itself before turing to surgery.

I'll keep u guys updated.
Here's the little punk that scared the shit out of me.

She is so beautiful. I hope everything works out perfectly. Its good that shes been up a bit and eating.
Thank you for your kind words, every little bit helps!
I hope these days that are coming are a whole lot better than the past for you!