What you wish for may be exactly what you attract, but like everything in this world, there are consequences for it all. Consequences, you learn, in your adult life, aren't always negative. For every positive consequence there is a negative consequence as well. When you seem to have a storm of shit heading your way, it's normal to wonder "what did I do to deserve this?" Sometimes, you did nothing to deserve it. Sometimes, it is exactly what you wished for and brought into your life and what unfolds are a taxation in the form of life choices and consequence.
Yet, when I wake up in the morning, and I look into my own reflection, I see someone I am proud of. I see someone strong that is able to be weak and sad at times, but not linger it for too long. Like Sia, I have an elastic heart. I'm not a victim of circumstance, but my own choices that I happily made. So, we gather ourselves, reflect, ask ourselves what we can do differently or how to resurrect the situation, and move forward.
My choices are just as good as anyone else, and I choose not to beat myself up over them, but accept them with the good and the bad, and add them to my armory.
besos y pesos,
Pistolita LaMuerta