My life is like this....
I've left the flesh trade. It's now limited to gogo dancing at Dante's Sinferno or preforming neo-burlesque routines on Sundays. Other than that, I suppose I still dance for dollars, but on a different stage. The bar is now my stage, and I'm still working for your tips. I'm fortunate to work with some of the most amazingly talented and beautiful women in the world.
My son is past two now. Hard to believe. My life was so different before him. I'm leading a much more satisfying life with him in it. He's beautiful. He's so smart that I considered him to be showing signs of Autism at one point. Then I realized he's an only child and has the attention span and creativity of a much older child because he is used to entertaining himself more than other children.
Other than work, and baby, I am creating. I put my sewing machine away for a year after my son was born. I was so exhausted of people asking me to do alterations and busy work. It's like asking Picaso to put an eggshell coat on your walls. I recently brought it out again, and reopened my Etsy store. Ever since, I have been happily productive. I'm advertising it a lot, and pushing it more than I ever have, because I believe it to be a satisfying way for my art to get into the world. People love my clothing because they get to play designer. They get to pick the style, then choose one of my 60+ fabrics. Prices range from $36 - $50. I've made suits for women of all shapes and sizes, all around the world and am hungry for more.
A few examples....
Style: Stormy
Fabric: Pink Lame Zebra
Price: $45
Style: Nikki
Fabric: Metallic Blue Leopard
Style: Amber
Fabric: Red/White Polka Dot w/Green trim
Price: $45
Style: Blaze
Fabric: Gold Lame
Style: Cherry
Fabric: Red Zebra
Price: $45
Find so much more here..
Swimwear, Pin-up, Burlesque, Costuming and Lingerie made by Pistolita
I'll close for now, as I have a stinky poo diaper to change. Until next time, send your women, daughters, wives and girlfriends my way when they want a custom swimsuit. xoxo <3
besos y pesos,
I've left the flesh trade. It's now limited to gogo dancing at Dante's Sinferno or preforming neo-burlesque routines on Sundays. Other than that, I suppose I still dance for dollars, but on a different stage. The bar is now my stage, and I'm still working for your tips. I'm fortunate to work with some of the most amazingly talented and beautiful women in the world.
My son is past two now. Hard to believe. My life was so different before him. I'm leading a much more satisfying life with him in it. He's beautiful. He's so smart that I considered him to be showing signs of Autism at one point. Then I realized he's an only child and has the attention span and creativity of a much older child because he is used to entertaining himself more than other children.
Other than work, and baby, I am creating. I put my sewing machine away for a year after my son was born. I was so exhausted of people asking me to do alterations and busy work. It's like asking Picaso to put an eggshell coat on your walls. I recently brought it out again, and reopened my Etsy store. Ever since, I have been happily productive. I'm advertising it a lot, and pushing it more than I ever have, because I believe it to be a satisfying way for my art to get into the world. People love my clothing because they get to play designer. They get to pick the style, then choose one of my 60+ fabrics. Prices range from $36 - $50. I've made suits for women of all shapes and sizes, all around the world and am hungry for more.
A few examples....

Style: Stormy
Fabric: Pink Lame Zebra
Price: $45

Style: Nikki
Fabric: Metallic Blue Leopard

Style: Amber
Fabric: Red/White Polka Dot w/Green trim
Price: $45

Style: Blaze
Fabric: Gold Lame

Style: Cherry
Fabric: Red Zebra
Price: $45
Find so much more here..
Swimwear, Pin-up, Burlesque, Costuming and Lingerie made by Pistolita
I'll close for now, as I have a stinky poo diaper to change. Until next time, send your women, daughters, wives and girlfriends my way when they want a custom swimsuit. xoxo <3
besos y pesos,
nice things you do 
