This is my last post as an expectant mother.
Tomorrow, and for the rest of my life, I will be a mother.
My arms are not as strong as they will be tomorrow, my eyes have not seen something as beautiful as they will see tomorrow, my heart has never loved something so strongly like it will tomorrow, and my body will have a totally different function tomorrow than it did today.
Ben and I have grown more in love than ever through this process of pregnancy, and he has changed into an almost unidentifyable person. We still both have our challenges, but we never fail to be each others' best friends. Truly, we do everything together. I can't think of anyone I'd rather have a child with. He has made me proud in his transformation, and it feels like I'm dating a completely different person at times.
Tonight at 7pm, we will be going to the hospital to be induced. Levi still has not dropped in to my pelvis, and although we are overdue (40 weeks and 4 days), my body remains the same and shows no signs of labor beginning. If my water were to break, it could cause an emergency c-section because of the rush from so high up, Levi could squish his cord. So we are taking a precautionary measure by going in to the hospital. I will spend the night there tonight with Ben... and hopefully by tomorrow morning things will be rolling, or we will at least know how to proceed.
However it transfigures... Levi should be here by Friday evening or Saturday morning.
We are both nervous, scared, excited, confused, emotional, strong and may break down at any given moment. But no matter what, we've got each others' backs.. and soon, Levi's too.
On a side note.. I've noticed that Fynne and I have had maternity sets in Member Review for about a month now with a good amount of comments. While I was laying awake last night not being able to sleep, I was thinking about the SG site, itself as a whole.. and kept asking myself... "Do maternity sets have a place on SG?" and my only conclusion of an answer to this question was..."Isn't SG a fetish site?" Girls with tattoos, piercings, goth, emo, blood, latex, dyed hair, punk rock... aren't these all categories of fetish in some way shape or form? And if SG is truly a site dedicated to the empowerment of females and their ability to promote their own ideas of "sexy".. then there's no reason that maternity sets shouldn't go live.
Anyway, that's just how I feel. It's not every day you come across a beautiful pregnant belly, and I think that it's a beautiful thing that should be celebrated on this site instead of looked at like a "controversy".
Thank you to all the friends who have sent gifts, cards and words of encouragement, advice and hope my way over the last 9 months. You really don't know how honored I am to receive them. I'm just another human in this world, and you have pulled together to get me out of what could have been a hard time. I've said it a million times, but I am so thankful for the SG Pregnant group. Those girls rock my world every day.
I will be MIA for a few days, but will be back with photos.
besos y pesos,
<3 Pistolita
Tomorrow, and for the rest of my life, I will be a mother.
My arms are not as strong as they will be tomorrow, my eyes have not seen something as beautiful as they will see tomorrow, my heart has never loved something so strongly like it will tomorrow, and my body will have a totally different function tomorrow than it did today.
Ben and I have grown more in love than ever through this process of pregnancy, and he has changed into an almost unidentifyable person. We still both have our challenges, but we never fail to be each others' best friends. Truly, we do everything together. I can't think of anyone I'd rather have a child with. He has made me proud in his transformation, and it feels like I'm dating a completely different person at times.
Tonight at 7pm, we will be going to the hospital to be induced. Levi still has not dropped in to my pelvis, and although we are overdue (40 weeks and 4 days), my body remains the same and shows no signs of labor beginning. If my water were to break, it could cause an emergency c-section because of the rush from so high up, Levi could squish his cord. So we are taking a precautionary measure by going in to the hospital. I will spend the night there tonight with Ben... and hopefully by tomorrow morning things will be rolling, or we will at least know how to proceed.
However it transfigures... Levi should be here by Friday evening or Saturday morning.

We are both nervous, scared, excited, confused, emotional, strong and may break down at any given moment. But no matter what, we've got each others' backs.. and soon, Levi's too.
On a side note.. I've noticed that Fynne and I have had maternity sets in Member Review for about a month now with a good amount of comments. While I was laying awake last night not being able to sleep, I was thinking about the SG site, itself as a whole.. and kept asking myself... "Do maternity sets have a place on SG?" and my only conclusion of an answer to this question was..."Isn't SG a fetish site?" Girls with tattoos, piercings, goth, emo, blood, latex, dyed hair, punk rock... aren't these all categories of fetish in some way shape or form? And if SG is truly a site dedicated to the empowerment of females and their ability to promote their own ideas of "sexy".. then there's no reason that maternity sets shouldn't go live.
Anyway, that's just how I feel. It's not every day you come across a beautiful pregnant belly, and I think that it's a beautiful thing that should be celebrated on this site instead of looked at like a "controversy".
Thank you to all the friends who have sent gifts, cards and words of encouragement, advice and hope my way over the last 9 months. You really don't know how honored I am to receive them. I'm just another human in this world, and you have pulled together to get me out of what could have been a hard time. I've said it a million times, but I am so thankful for the SG Pregnant group. Those girls rock my world every day.
I will be MIA for a few days, but will be back with photos.
besos y pesos,
<3 Pistolita
can't wait to see pics of your baby!