CHRIS RICHARDSON... Please have my musically inclined babies. Mmmmm.
You may or may not know this.. but I love American Idol... but only since last season.
Chris Daughtry.. Love him. Taylor Hicks.. fuck Taylor Hicks. Fuck Katherine McPhee. It was all about Chris Daughtry last season. Love Kelly Clarkson.. but other than that I'm not obsessed. If you are a closet American Idol fan... please come forth. I believe I may be the only one on this site, which makes me strangely uncomfortable.
Ges asked a really great question, and I thought I'd share my answer via my blog. So here it is...
"Who are the 5 (yes, only five frown) members (not SGs, cause that list would never end) that put up a smile on your face each time you see a comment from them?
1. Amiba
2. Connilingus
3. FireSS
4. GirlFromPasadena
5. Nea
6. Nirbhao
7. Zsusa
1. CaptainTact
2. Argosytech
3. Dempsy
4. Rikkitikitavi
5. SamuraiPupy
6. Soix
7. Trout78
8. Turbulence
9. Tsutar
10. ZAMN
There are quite a bit more that I love to hear from on a blogly basis. But these are some names that have popped up very often.. and I <3 you!
Ajilee's hot little ass is accompanying me to Wizard World L.A! Yeahh baby. We bought our tickets, and we're on our way down south March 15th, 16th, 17th and returning home early on the 18th.
As for my previous blog.. I'll get to your mythical creatures as soon as I can. I am just excited about traveling, so I had to post this blog, but I'll get caught up on my old one as well. In the mean time.. I found a really cool Wikipedia site that lists hundreds of mythical creatures, all for your joyment of browsing. I couldn't believe some of the things that were on there. If you're curious, and I wasn't able to give you EXACTLY what creature you are.. start poking around. You may stumble up on it yourself.. because I only asked a few questions.. I dont know the YOU that you know. Some self discovery never hurt anybody eh?
Wikipedia Link for Mythical Creature Index of Awesome
Well I had a crazy busy weekend. Friday night was date night, for Ajilee and I. We went to the Reno: 911 Miami movie. It was fucking hilarious.
Saturday, I had to wake up early to take Chello to the vet for her rabies and distemper shots. Well.. she got them.. and within four hours, her little legs were swollen up. They're still all swollen. I don't know what to do other than wait for another day to make sure that the swelling goes down. She was running a fever last night. Hiding behind the toilet in the bathroom and panting for hours. She finally calmed down and my bf was able to lift her onto the bed where she slept the rest of the night. It's so sad.. my baby can barely walk. But I'm taking care of her. She seems to be doing better.
Anyway.. Last night was also Cymagen's birthday! My friend Boni and I went out to help him celebrate. We took polaroids up the ying yang. Most of them we left with him for b-day memories, but I snagged one to take home for myself. If I can figure a way to snag a digital camera I'll put it up for your enjoyment. It was good times. I'm glad he's back. Portland missed him.
pink and blue, just us two.
Who's an alcoholic? Raise their hands...
It's about time for a Cymagen/Pistolita reunion! Me and the b-day boy.
Who's our little teapot?! A taste of what a set from him would be like for SuicideBoys.
I <3 Issac and his beautiful work! Thanks for the pictures!
So that's about it... errrr. Hope everything is wonderful in your worlds.
besos y pesos,
<3 Pistolita
My Nani was all swollen and panicky after her shots. It's really hard to watch.
Angus goes for his shots in two weeks
I love American Idol as well....
So are you a Gemini too?
I'm sorry about your dad He has a great birthday though