mmm. Home early. Get high. Sushi. Get high. Hot boyfriend plays bass tonight. I'm totally going to bone him when he comes home. mmmm.
by the way, I just discovered I liked sushi a week ago. I've been going to get sushi a lot. I'm probably going to die over mercury poisoning. It's a cause for concern.
Ok seriously. I have to see if anyone else can tell, but my breasts have grown an ENTIRE cup size since about a month ago. I have pictures to prove it. Maybe I'm just crazy, but they weigh a ton, and they're just heavy on my body. I'm not pregnant. So don't even say it, because trust me, I'm not pregnant. But my boobs are gigantic. Every day I want to sit and play with them (just like boys always say they would if they had breasts, I seriously do that). It's like a second puberty, and I'm akward and curious about my body again. It's fantastic. Thank you boob god. Thank you.
To the pictures. drum roll. Ok, here's exibit A. Taken 2 months ago.
And exibit B. Taken a few moments ago...
and most incriminating...
let me know what you think mmkay?
Also.. I fucking really miss my girls from Hell City. I think about them every day. Esp. Riot, we need to get together soon. I miiiiiiiiiisss you hard. I'm going to come into your work this weekend.
Is it wierd for me to confess my undying love for you after a blog about my breasts? Don't think too poorly of me darling.
besos y pesos,
<3 Pistolita
by the way, I just discovered I liked sushi a week ago. I've been going to get sushi a lot. I'm probably going to die over mercury poisoning. It's a cause for concern.
Ok seriously. I have to see if anyone else can tell, but my breasts have grown an ENTIRE cup size since about a month ago. I have pictures to prove it. Maybe I'm just crazy, but they weigh a ton, and they're just heavy on my body. I'm not pregnant. So don't even say it, because trust me, I'm not pregnant. But my boobs are gigantic. Every day I want to sit and play with them (just like boys always say they would if they had breasts, I seriously do that). It's like a second puberty, and I'm akward and curious about my body again. It's fantastic. Thank you boob god. Thank you.
To the pictures. drum roll. Ok, here's exibit A. Taken 2 months ago.

And exibit B. Taken a few moments ago...

and most incriminating...

let me know what you think mmkay?
Also.. I fucking really miss my girls from Hell City. I think about them every day. Esp. Riot, we need to get together soon. I miiiiiiiiiisss you hard. I'm going to come into your work this weekend.
Is it wierd for me to confess my undying love for you after a blog about my breasts? Don't think too poorly of me darling.

besos y pesos,
<3 Pistolita

it seems that you have violated the terms of service.
I miss you too love.