Pistolita fan letter of the day:
Like the subject of this message says ...uh... thanks for the kind words. I have been having a pretty brutal couple of days the past few weeks, and your comments really brought a smile to my face... and I needed that so Thank you very much. Especially that like reading a novel part, I actually am an aspiring author who has a fierce case of writers block, but your words have inspired me and rekindled my desire to write. And having heartstoppingly goregeous pics to look at doesn't hurt much either...
Love to see that sleeve when it gets finished, I'm working on designing mine as I type this, well not literally as I type this ... that would be a might difficult to do draw and type at the same time. I can multitask but thats pretty extreme there... and now I'm rambling, fantastic... anyhoo...
Feel free to "holla" ( oh I feel so gangsta...HA! ) at me anytime.
Hope you go live soon, I got a Favorite Suicide Girls slot open for ya!
Dear Thankful - Some days are diamonds. Some days are rocks. Some days just suck balls, and I'm sorry your last few weeks have been a thorn in your ass. I know. Believe me. I've had mine. I sympathize. I'm writing you back, because this is the perfect journal entry/fan letter response for what I've been going through lately. I saw an energy healer yesterday. And honestly, I've found my own God. My life has really changed, because my mind has changed. And I'm honestly living moment to moment in this gift we call life. What I have been taught is really just for me, but I would love to answer any questions I can to help a person find their own God and enlightnenment. You have to want to find it. I'm very happy. About the novel. Congratulations! I think writing is an AMAZING form of energy release. I myself, am about to pour into some finger painting. Use your creative energy wisely. You sound like a very talented person, and you need to be focusing good positive thoughts on writing. When I have negative thoughts that block my energy from getting things done, I have to literally talk to those negative voices in my head like a bratty four year old child. Listen to what the voice has to say. Acknowledge it, then say out loud..."thank you for that, I'm not going to respond to that right now. Please go away." It sounds silly as shit. But it works. You have to fight negativity. Especially if you are a chronic negative thinker like I have been in the past. Also.. I'm so happy to hear someone is excited about my tattoo. Not that it really matters, I'd do it anyway, but I'm liking the enthusiasm. And lastly.. I would love to be one of your favorites! I can't wait to go live.. really. I'm just crossing my fingers waiting. I really love all the people who take time to comment.. it means a lot to me. Keep up the good work dudes and ladies.
bang bang,
Like the subject of this message says ...uh... thanks for the kind words. I have been having a pretty brutal couple of days the past few weeks, and your comments really brought a smile to my face... and I needed that so Thank you very much. Especially that like reading a novel part, I actually am an aspiring author who has a fierce case of writers block, but your words have inspired me and rekindled my desire to write. And having heartstoppingly goregeous pics to look at doesn't hurt much either...
Love to see that sleeve when it gets finished, I'm working on designing mine as I type this, well not literally as I type this ... that would be a might difficult to do draw and type at the same time. I can multitask but thats pretty extreme there... and now I'm rambling, fantastic... anyhoo...
Feel free to "holla" ( oh I feel so gangsta...HA! ) at me anytime.
Hope you go live soon, I got a Favorite Suicide Girls slot open for ya!
Dear Thankful - Some days are diamonds. Some days are rocks. Some days just suck balls, and I'm sorry your last few weeks have been a thorn in your ass. I know. Believe me. I've had mine. I sympathize. I'm writing you back, because this is the perfect journal entry/fan letter response for what I've been going through lately. I saw an energy healer yesterday. And honestly, I've found my own God. My life has really changed, because my mind has changed. And I'm honestly living moment to moment in this gift we call life. What I have been taught is really just for me, but I would love to answer any questions I can to help a person find their own God and enlightnenment. You have to want to find it. I'm very happy. About the novel. Congratulations! I think writing is an AMAZING form of energy release. I myself, am about to pour into some finger painting. Use your creative energy wisely. You sound like a very talented person, and you need to be focusing good positive thoughts on writing. When I have negative thoughts that block my energy from getting things done, I have to literally talk to those negative voices in my head like a bratty four year old child. Listen to what the voice has to say. Acknowledge it, then say out loud..."thank you for that, I'm not going to respond to that right now. Please go away." It sounds silly as shit. But it works. You have to fight negativity. Especially if you are a chronic negative thinker like I have been in the past. Also.. I'm so happy to hear someone is excited about my tattoo. Not that it really matters, I'd do it anyway, but I'm liking the enthusiasm. And lastly.. I would love to be one of your favorites! I can't wait to go live.. really. I'm just crossing my fingers waiting. I really love all the people who take time to comment.. it means a lot to me. Keep up the good work dudes and ladies.
bang bang,
Trying to convince a little old dear that green rabbits aren't nibbling at her toescan be quite difficult!
Thanks for the comments on the drawings. Your set in the red dress looks very good. I have this problem, you see, of liking girl pictures that are too "pretty". I'm looking forward to your new set going live.