I know how difficult it is to keep mental health when we're bombarded with so much bad news all the time.
It’s so hard to see news about people having nice attitudes, isn’t it?
But that doesn't mean they don't exist, right?
Don't lose your faith in people. They say that hopelessness is reactionary and maybe that's why they try to keep us so discredited.
Just look around here. Everyday I discover wonderful people here in the community with so much to share that it's impossible not to want to have faith in humanity.
Louis Armstrong sang "What a wonderful world" as well "La vie en rose" Edith Piaf song and both had a very difficult life. So try to imagine why they kept singing about this wonderful world and a pink life.
I know that optimism is not enough, the desire for change is necessary and to start doing it. And changes can start very simply, with the tools you have today, for example a blog, a thought, leaving words showing affection to a loved one, supporting someone's work, a cause or simply trying to empathize, understand the other side. Trying to make good moves or just one good move everyday it's can give good reactions, like butterflies flapping wings and causing typhoons.
Have a great weekend.