UPDATE: I went to my interview monday morning & it was the worst ever-I got lost in Kirkland for almost an hour so I showed up LATE & then I was so flustered-I just stuttered & bumbled my way through. I left feeling like a total lame-o! THen I went to work & it was CHAOS-computer systems were down, no reports had been done-it sucked. The day just got progressively worse & by the end I was in tears. Basically a bunch of crap! So I come home & guess what y'all??? I had a message saying I was the #1 pick & they needed permission to check my references!! WHOA-I almost passed out I was so shocked. So today they called everyone & from what I was told-my references (who happen to be my friends too shhhh!) gave me awesome reviews....SO they called my boss-who was completely shocked & left her a message. She called me & asked why I didn't tell her & blah blah blah & she said she'd have to call them back...she has yet to do so...so as far as I know-she's the only hold up. HOPEFULLY I will get a call by Friday with an offer!! I'm so excited-I've decided that the commute on 520 won't be so bad. At least then I'd get to spend some quality time with my 2 10's! LOL SO that is the update-it's so surreal. I'm still in shock that I beat out 220 other people. I went out with some friends to the Garage last night to celebrate my victory thus far. It was fun $5 all nite for a pool table! YEAH-thanks everyone for all of the encouragement-it has made all the difference! What's new in the lives of you??
how the hell is life treating you?