Last night I saw the movie "Monster". It left me so profoundly moved. I guess haunted is a better word...It upset me so much that I came home & cleaned the house like I was on crack & then when I finally layed down to sleep-I started to cry. I cried for a half an hour straight...sniff sniff. There were so many issues raised in that film that I can't even begin to explain which one I grappled with the most. What I will say is that I now have to critically assess my views on hookers, the homeless and other destitute individuals. Prior this movie-I held the view that hookers prostituted themselves, and homeless people were jobless because they made personal choices to do so. Now I think that although many probably do chose those lifestyles, there is a group of people that have such shitty lives, that even if they wanted to come up-the world wouldn't let them...ANYWHO this realization solidified my desire to go to grad school. I've decided that maybe a masters in social work is right for me...this is so weird though cause I always thought that animal rights were my passion...& believe me they still are...I just now think twice about my "fuck people" outlook...maybe I'll alter it to fuck most people...hahaha j/k SO in the end what I have to say is this: if you can stomach seeing someone beat down over and over again at the expense of coming away with much food for thought, SEE MONSTER.
peace & blessings
p.s. it's still raining in SEATTLE!!
peace & blessings
p.s. it's still raining in SEATTLE!!
Oh, and karaoke has been moved- the Bar is closed, so I *think* we're going to Sunset Bowl in Ballard next week. Not sure yet, though- email me or post in my journal and I'll keep you updated.
Have a good weekend